Dumb a$$ cat sh# in my shop like 7 times.

Update on my asinine cat: a month ago I kicked it out of the shop and sealed its cat door after it or the calico sprayed inside my newly blasted, epoxied, painted interior of my friggin Duster.

It's fortunate that I dont own claymores or I would have pointed one at the cat entrance door hooked to a motion detector and blew it's *** to Mars.

What ever. I have a new mouse solution and it is called dollar store moth balls and "shake away" rodent repellent. Between the two, I have seen zero evidence of mice in inside my shop in months.

The cat is hanging out on the exterior shelves under the 10 foot eve where I put a cat bed, an auto feeder and auto waterer. He stays dry, warm and fed, so F 'em.
I don't know if anyone has mentioned this but I highly discourage you from spraying bear mace in your garage unless you have a fan blowing it outside and a gas mask on. I have been in the room when normal pepper spray was sprayed and it was brutal.
Roger that. :) I have been exposed to such as well. Probably will not resort to bear mace.

More likely the claymore or a guillotine mounted in front of the cat door.
Similar situation in my house. I have 2 cats, Quorra and Amalia, both have recently started to use the corner of the kitchen randomly as a bathroom. I've had both for about a year, both are litter trained, use the same kind of litter, nothing has really changed. And the litter pan is always kept clean.

Note : I actually like these cats, so a .45 lead pill isn't an option.

I've corrected them, but they just randomly (when they know they aren't being watched) do it. They're not mistreated in any way, so I can't imagine they'd be doing it out of anger. Though (a bit sadistic) I've thought about putting their food dishes/bowls in that spot, you know, the whole "don't crap where you eat" thing, but knowing how rock headed cats are they'd do it anyway.

What can I do (in addition to correcting them, and showing them the litter pan over and over) to break this problem? Is there anything I can spray or scrub the floor with to repel them from that area?
I had Owls living in my barn for a while. Dang things crap a lot and it is nasty stuff. They still live in the wall but I blocked it off so they cant come in any more.
My condolences on the loss of your cat.

But I have a question. Why is it "cool" and "accepted" in these cat threads for people to talk about killing them or hurting them? That's not funny or cool to me and I don't like it. I've never been a dog person but I know how much dogs mean to people who are. I wouldn't ever talk about doing dogs like that in a dog thread. I don't understand why people have to be asses.
I am cool with any animal as long as they behave. Cats do not and are pure evil. My dog has never pissed on the TV remote.
I don't care what some of you say, cats are evil. We had one for years and it would only sit on my stuff, not the wife's who just adored the friggin thing, just my stuff. Wouldn't learn or be taught anything. Finally it died. Now my neighbors have cats and they leave dead crap in my yard constantly, got inside my fenced yard where my garage is and climbed in the window, up to the rafters where I had some 2x4s that it knocked down right on my roof, dented it real nice for me. I can't stand how people just let them roam around... I don't like your cat, don't want it in my yard, hate when I take my 2 year old outside to play and dead animals in my yard... Been real tempted to shoot it but haven't yet out of fear of what might happen to me even though I have told them to keep it out of my yard. Hell I even hand delivered it one day by the back of the neck, didn't matter.

Dogs? Love em, but they don't roam around like stinking cats.
Shooting cats is a funny concept because they are such a massive pain in the *** to so many people. They have a unique vindictive personality and will get a wild hair up their *** to poop and spray everywhere. Obviously there are causes to their behavioral problems but understanding cat physiology and psychology is nearly as important as talking to rocks about their current investment strategies.

They are not like most dogs which will hold their poop and urine until you let them out, and behave like they actually like you. Cats get mad and spray on your walls, poop in your shoes and rip your clothes down then act like assholes for days at a time.

This is one reason people talk about shooting cats. That and the fact that for centuries when an animal was messed up, crazy or hopeless they were killed so they would not reproduce and breed more worthless idiots. Manually adjusted process of natural selection... see what im talkin about?. Its done all the time with plants these days and even humans in other countries.

So, its no wonder that shooting cats is cool.

Personally I dont condone shooting cats or enjoy the process in the least. I havent shot an animal (because it was sick) in 40 years and when I did, I did not like it one bit. Ive hunted occasionally and I eat deer and squirrel but blasting animals for entertainment has never been something I have the stomach for.

But, if one more cat sprays quarts of urine and hormones on my fresh rotisseried automobile, I will blast it to mars with a mossberg pump running #4 shot.

My cat, I got and was not about to kill it.

But alas I live on this place called the earth (located adjacent to reality) and if my cat runs across a field at night off our property and gets eaten by a pack of hungry coyotes then screw it, he wasnt good enough to hold his own. Some environments arent sheltered by cubicles full of filtered air, food delivery and *** powdering 24 hours a day. Some animals actually are required to operate like animals rather than being subjected to silly *** anthropomorphism and fed fake steak nuggets coated with veagan gravy and chocked full of mood enhancing medication.
Well somebody start a damned dog thread. I'm gonna turn it bad. Real bad.
Haters just gonna HATE! But, yes, cats can hold grudges. I treat mine well, keep 'em inside, and they don't misbehave. I don't expect everyone to like cats, but anyone who mistreats an animal (dogs, gerbils and all) should be mistreated the same way.

I know all about cats being assholes...I've got 2 of them.

I used to have one named Hemi (until a neighbor threw poisoned meat into my yard). Hemi was one of a kind. For one thing, she was a rare breed known as a Tortoiseshell (or Tortie). The other was she was the most intelligent animal I ever saw. She would wait at the door, for hours (if she had to) for someone to let her out to go to the bathroom. Never sprayed or clawed anything either.

I never had to litter train her, and I had her from the time she was about 5 weeks old (was thrown from a moving car and landed on my driveway). She was exactly like me in every way : Hated most people, loved coffee (funny story), loved Mopars, Was very quiet and kept to herself.

She was also the family business mascot, you couldn't walk into the garage office, without seeing Hemi making a bed out of a chevy or ford repair manual (LOL). When she wasn't sleeping in the office, she was perched on my shoulder (even when I was working) and followed me to & from work every day. Slept tight against my pillow every night. She would also RUN anytime she saw antifreeze being drained from a car into a container. (Even though she ran, I always made sure it was stored in a sealed container).

She'll have been gone 3 years in October, and I miss her more everyday. All because a neighbor hated cats so much that he decided to kill mine (who never did anything to him and never went any further than my fenced in yard). I don't know which neighbor it was for sure, there is one on either side of me and they both hate cats. But I think I've narrowed it down to 1, considering how the other (who hates cats also) acts when he's around my 2 current cats in the house.

Hemi only ever did one bad thing... She walked across the freshly dyed rear set in my '74 Duster and left paw prints on the top edge (she loved that car). At the time I was mad and wanted to dye the seat again to fix it. Now I'm glad I never dyed it a second time, those paw prints are her mark on the world. I also have the coat (my denim jacket) that she died in at 3am the morning after she was poisoned. I couldn't help her, there are no 24 hour vets in this area. So the only thing I could do was stay with her until the end. I couldn't even bring myself to put her out of her misery, I loved her too much.
Spread red pepper where you don't want him to go. vinegar for short term chase. Red pepper works the best. The hotter the better. It will light his *** on fire and never go there again. Mine kept going under the sand blaster. Now he won't even go in that room.
Spread red pepper where you don't want him to go. vinegar for short term chase. Red pepper works the best. The hotter the better. It will light his *** on fire and never go there again. Mine kept going under the sand blaster. Now he won't even go in that room.

Thanks. I'll try that with my 2 in the house.

By the way, thanks again for that '71 Demon Grille & Tail Panel. (I'm Chris, that guy in his early 20's who bought some parts from you about 2 years ago. I was in the Cheby Boxtruck, we talked for at least an hour or better.)
Now you know why he may have been shitting in your shop... he was scared of the coyotes. With luck maybe he will come back an haunt you.

Nonsense. First off if that cat haunts me I will most certainly blast it with my mossberg loaded with haint buster shot.

Secondly I know exactly why he was crapping in my shop, he was a cat. Cats are retarded and function primarily on instinct and habits.

He developed the habit of crapping in the shop cause he was in my garage while he was sick (i friggin fed him with a syringe 4 times a day for over a week). Then he lived there for another month while recovering, using a litter box. Then he voluntarily moved himself back to the shop but felt like it was necessary to poop in the corner and spray and piss inside my newly rotisseried car interior.

Animals are designed to tolerate this planet and its species in a perfect balance of harmony whether we are on it or not. Part of that harmony involves one animal chewing the Achilles tendons off the other while it is running frantically for its life, then the pursuing animal eating alive the one with no remaining rear leg tendons.

So, I dont care if a flying beast shooting fire out his mouth as a result of two separate glands secreting into a cavity in its sinuses a hypergolic mixture expelled by exhalation blasting fire across a cat's *** or if a coyote is chasing it, if it cant survive then I am not sorry but is not up to me to fabricate a fortress to protect it from the trials and tribulations of life.
Just to clarify, our property is fenced coyote proof so the coyotes were not knocking on the door of the shop or anything. Secondly I have tons of night vision cameras all over the place and never seen a coyote anywhere near our property.
If you think a fence makes your property coyote proof, you're as stupid as you are mean. Coyotes can climb better than cats.
Rusty you are just projecting.

The rest of my retort I am retracting because this is a thread about cats. I really dont want to argue or blast at any more fellow Mopar enthusiasts. I had enough of that on the political forum. This thread has spiraled into what appears to be a battle about animal rights and other grey areas of emotionally afflicted concepts. Most of this talking about shooting cats is just joking around. My good friend has many times talked about kicking cats out a window but is one of the most kind and gentle people on the planet. Hell one guy on this forum has a gif of a cat jumping out of a friggin space ship, is that going to start a name calling spiral into ***-ville too?

I knew if I said my fence was coyote proof someone would get bent out of shape about it. We all know coyotes are desperate and motivated animals and yes, maybe one can somehow get over a 6 foot fence with 2" x 4 " holes but..... thats fine by me. I like coyotes, actually I feed my cats to them because I want them to live and I feel sorry for them because they are hungry.
I have seen them climb with my own eyes and attack and kill three of our Miniature Pinchers when we used to raise them out here. I tried to scare them off but there was nothing I could do. They shot over a 6' fence like it wasn't even there. If you think they cannot climb, you're wrong. Call your local DNR office. They'll educate you.

And you're right. My insults were over the top. My apologies. But I love cats. I am not a dog person and I don't bad mouth dogs on here just to piss people off.
Well I have seen deer run straight up a hill that was like a 20 foot wall and continue on to jump over top a 6' fence on top of that, like it was nothing at all. Very graceful those big deer.

My apologies to you too Rusty.

I tend to get a bit exaggerated in my pontifications from time to time.

Here is a good example of an animal doing things that one wouldn't expect them to do:


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Now that's funny. And as stupid as it seems, bears are excellent climbers. You wouldn't think that with their big old asses.