Duster nose job



How many is too many?
Nov 26, 2006
Reaction score
I was wanting to take that ugly 100# reinforced bumper and brackets off the nose so.... Now it's light and ugly! Should run cooler too. Still haven't decided on the screen mounting to be flush or recessed. :cheers:







one more
That's a sweet looking snow plow!
you been having cooling problems or something?Or going for the antique train look?lol i do have to say it is different,and unlike anything ive ever seen before.What you gonna do to the rear to make it even looking?
I was thinking I could move the radiator and have it throw snow too!
Can it be removed?

It would be an interesting exercise to crank down the t-bars and test the drag difference between stock and "snow plow" using one of those G-tech accelerometers.
Is that to suck in the chevys and then blow them out of the rear instead of going around them?
No original mopar parts were harmed in this experament save for the two bumper spacers I welded the braces to and all original holes were used save for two that are covered by the bumper filler. I want to see if there is any effect on the top end of the track. I know it will cool better. However there is no cooling problem now with the double pass aluminum radiator even with the 0.060 over 440. I just don't like the factory bumpers on these later models! I got the idea from an "R" model Mustang apron. The front end came up quite a bit when I dropped the bumper. I haven't lowered the bars yet but will probably swap in some 6 cyl bars for better transfer.
Thank you for your support! It is damn ugly but functional! Maybe if it were car color people wouldn't notice it.... LOL Maybe one of you photoshop guys can paint it red or black and see what that does for it....
please take that **** off the car and put the bumper back on! Why would you be inspired by somthing you seen on a Mustang? Be proud of the parts that Chrysler put on there. The old bumper isn't that bad, just leave off the push pads and it will look fine
please take that **** off the car and put the bumper back on! Why would you be inspired by somthing you seen on a Mustang? Be proud of the parts that Chrysler put on there. The old bumper isn't that bad, just leave off the push pads and it will look fine

I actually like the push pads... they come in handy! But the 100#s I can do without for a few passes. It's an easy swap....
there's a Dart in Nevada/Texas that does "Open Road racing"..he has an
air dam style that goes straight down like the "R", his whole car sits
down lower than yours though...ya might try lowering4-5 inches and see what it looks like
the spoilers they used to have for Duster's didn't fit well and no one hardly ever used them
Do your passes see what it does and after for god sakes take that monstrosity off lol. (not bashing your idea but) . If you want nicer bumpers put the 70-72 bumpers on, and dont say you can't cause ive seen it done on a 73 or 74 Duster. No ofense or anything but for guys like me who are having a hard time even getting a Duster then we see ppl doin things like that to perfectly nice cars kinda put our noses outta joint.

But all in all hope your runs on the track go well, good luck.
Looks like ****... one of the sadder days that Mopar will see the road/track!! Hope it works out for you, test it, and then for god's sake remove it.
Wow..Thats *&%#@ed up!! I hope thats not a real 340 car.Hell I hope that not even a Duster and maybe really a Nova...
I wouldn't mind seeing more pics of that lime green/white top and blue/white demons in those bottom pics=P~.

Wow..Thats *&%#@ed up!! I hope thats not a real 340 car.Hell I hope that not even a Duster and maybe really a Nova...

Actually it's one of the rare 75' hemi sixpack cars... :bootysha: