Duster window help



New Member
Dec 6, 2009
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So I'm in the middle of trying to get my 73 Duster back on the road, and right now I'm having a hell of a time with the windshield. My problem is that I've had a glass company install new glass and 2 different types of gaskets. After letting them bake in the sun for a week or so, they still leak in the same places, in both upper and lower corners. Now the last time another guy was out here I had him remove the window so we could try a new gasket, and this time he claims that my window channel looks damaged and won't bother with a new gasket until I get it fixed. I'm including some pics of my channel because I don't think it looks damaged but I wanted some professional opinions. Now the black stuff you see is por-15 that I painted around the edge a while ago just to help seal up some bare metal. Also could I see some of your guy's window channels just so I can show him that there's nothing wrong with mine? Thanks


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Second pic from the top... Raised places ? Hard to tell but... the fence that the gasket sits on is supposed to be flat and clean before butyl sealant is applied. The POR 15 really shouldn't be needed. I don't know for sure what I'm looking at and I don't know how thick the por crap is. All I know is the gasket sits on a fence and the fence does not / should not distort the gasket.
Also, left side of the last pic.... If that is factory seam sealer dried out and broken badly, you can have leaks there too.
I'd be wire wheeling that channel out before attempting a new install. Tape off the paint with many layers and go at it with a small wire wheel to clean it out.

I do agree it looks like some old seam sealer or butyl still in there not allowing a tight seal.

A cross section or profile view of the gasket looks like 'H' . Well that's as close as a font will draw it. Anyway the glass and fence are supposed to be the same plane and the gasket marries the two. I have used various tools ( pliers, hammers, and even grinder ) to improve what was acceptable for factory workers. Like part edges not lining up just right leaving steps in the lines. I really do want the edge of the fence to match the edge of the glass. Maybe I am a perfectionist and all the extra effort is overkill. I don't have leaks.