e-bay questions format change



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FABO Gold Member
Jan 18, 2006
Reaction score
I was just on E-bay looking at some horns for my Dart. I wanted to ask the seller a question as to what the manufacturer of the horns are and dumb *** e-bay changed the "ask the seller a question" format. They now have a fake list of probable questions and nowhere to actually contact the seller to get a
question answered. I'm done shopping E-bay forever. Argggghhhh!!!! Mike
I just looked at Ebay and right under the sellers name is the ask a question bar. It linked me to the questions page for the seller and it asks to pick a specific style question. Then you just type in the box.
Where is the box to ask a question. I only see the box at the top for searching E-bay. toolman
under the question part there is a 0 meaning that no one has asked that . then it will let you link to ask the question. I don't like the format also
I tried another sellers item and it was just like it was before. You would contact the seller through e-bay. The particular seller I started the thread about must have an option during set up not to be contacted direct with questions.
I just got a list of "possible questions" when I used the "ask seller a question"
feature. toolman