e curve issues-won't start



Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2009
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Ok, I dropped the cash for an e-curve. Installed it and the car won't start. No spark. Figured maybe something else failed, so I installed my old distributor. Started right up. Talked to a fellow at a car show last night, stated I needed a different coil. I was using a stock one. Bought a Blaster2. Still won't fire. This is not a difficult project, 3 fricken wires. Any suggestions? Comments and suggestions that question my intelligence and abilities are welcomed. I am at a loss. I guess it is possible I got a lemon. Hate to send it to MSD to have them possibly tell me it is OK. Figured I would try here first.


Just throwing this out, Did you test the coil by disconnecting the lead and seeing if there is spark to the block? When I did my dizzy conversion I tested the dizzy and circuit by turning on the key and with the dizzy in my hand and a spark plug with wire on and grounding the plug base to some metal block surface, spin the dizzy and look for spark. One way to test if the dizzy is firing the signal and everything in the ignition circuit!

John B. :glasses7:
I will try the test with the distributor out in just a bit. This is quite irritating as the cost is not cheap. I appreciate the help.

OK, I tried the test mentioned in the previous post. I have no spark while turning it by hand. I have it grounded to the firewall and have the coil wired properly. Thoughts?
It sounds like you might have got a bad one but before you send it back why not call their tech line? Maybe they'll have an idea. Since they designed it they should know best. Good luck
Ok, I have found I have spark from the coil, but not out of the distributor. Quite irritating. Did any of you keep your original wires that hooked up to your coil on after making this change? I was under the impression you didn't need them with this setup. But I needed to keep them hooked up to get spark.
Two wires on the coil right? + from the engine harness that comes from the ballast resistor, and the - to the dizzy? Got any pictures? That may help!

John B. :coffee2:
Actually three. 2 to the pos and one to the negative. pics tomorrow if I can get you to help me out