eagles take on vick

No you dont hear Joe Schmo because he is still in jail, lost his job and is labled as a felon. And if he served his time in jail he has to live with his actions the rest of his life. One of the biggest problems I see with is these young kids that think these players are mentors will think that these actions are ok. Its a shame that kids these days dont have parents to look at as mentors. My 2 cent

This true also. I know kids look up to these guys. They do need to set a good example. But there is another point to be made. Its about doing whats right after you have messed up. Even with my kids. They think the word "sorry" fixes everything. They really need to learn that fix what you messed up and make it right. Not only is Vick working with humaine socities about dog fighting awareness. But the man is on tv telling the world that he fucked up.
We need more players like Hines Ward... good players but freaking quiet... doesnt get into legal trouble. Have you guys ever seen the "In their own words" program on Hines Ward? If I had to pick one guy to look up to in the NFL... that'd be the one.
Can't believe he got a standing ovation instead of being booed off the field during his first game ... shamefull ... win at any cost! Yah, somebody will say he paid a big price, did his time, and has to settle for only $3 million per year ... but he still is treated differently than the rest of us, no doubt. My friend is so pissed that she threatened to quit eating Philidelphia cream cheese - LOL!