Earl Ike Dodge Location !



Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2010
Reaction score
murrieta , ca
The thread pertaining to the 1965 Dart ( " Black Plate '65 Dart " ) in the
"Early A Bodies" forum got me thinking and searching ( that can be a good thing sometimes :tongue: ) ...

The thread mentions Earl Ike Dodge of Inglewood , Ca ( south of downtown L.A. , right by the LAX airport ).
Just for 5h1t5 and giggles , I googled the name & location ; I got to this point :

[ame="http://maps.google.com/maps?hl=en&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.&um=1&ie=UTF-8&q=1175+S.+La+Brea+Ave.+Inglewood,+Calif.+90301&fb=1&gl=us&hnear=Los+Angeles,+CA&cid=0,0,12725938960310700791&ei=3QiATfqQOI36sAOb-LmRBg&sa=X&oi=local_result&ct=image&resnum=1&ved=0CBUQnwIwAA"]Google Maps[/ame]

What's surprising is that Ike sold a number of high-po Dodges !
At least 3 '69 Daytonas ( hell , trying to rid yourself of one was a task back then ! ) , two of which were Hemi-powered !
Why's this so unusual ? Well , Inglewood isn't exactly a rich area . It was lower-middle class at best ; lots of factory workers and airport employees ; not an area with a disposable income !
Don't get me wrong ; Inglewood ( and its sister city , Lennox ) was a nice area at one time .
Even aside from that , most of Inglewood's residents are really cool , down-to-Earth , working class folks .
Certainly , it has a bad rapport ; truly , there are plenty of **** asses that live there ( gangs , drug dealers and leeches ) , but thankfully they were in the minority .

But , I divulge .
Enjoy "my" Google Earth find !
At Inglewood is a shite hole these days...too bad, but alot of areas that were once atleast decent have slid.