early A centerlink



Well-Known Member
Feb 15, 2006
Reaction score
West Sacramento, CA
I have a 66 Dart that originally had a /6. Will a centerlink from any V8 64-66 A body fit? This is the centerlink I need for the V8 conversion right?
mopowers said:
I have a 66 Dart that originally had a /6. Will a centerlink from any V8 64-66 A body fit? This is the centerlink I need for the V8 conversion right?


Dart/ Valiant/ Barracuda, all factory V8.

Some /6 cars must come from the factory with the V8 style centerlink because when I converted my '65 Valiant 2dr sedan to V8 it clears the pan just fine.
See I was wondering the same thing, cause the 65 Dart I that used to have was a /6 car orginally and had the drop center link in it.

I have heard that all 66s had the same center link, that 65 was the last year of the /6 link.
Must be a mid year '65 thing or maybe it depended on which plant your car was built in '65? Since it sounds like at least 2 '65 cars had a v8 link.
my 66 /6 car did not have the drop link in it, tried to make it work with 360 and wound up buying a drop link for it to clear oil pan. 67-up link no worky either, too wide. Anybody want a /6 link for a 66 or a 67-up link? Free.
See, I've heard that 66's all have the same centerlink. However, looking at mine (66 /6 Dart), it doesn't have the same drop as V8 bars I've seen in pictures. Thats really strange to me. By asking this question, I was trying to get to the bottom of this. I guess there is no real answer. Either way, I guess it's time to start looking for a V8 link.
got mine on ebay, glnos parts which is Great Lakes NOS parts, it was new and still had the original tag on it.
66dartman said:
got mine on ebay, glnos parts which is Great Lakes NOS parts, it was new and still had the original tag on it.

Not to say that you over-paid for this since I don't know how much you paid, but I have to ask - is there a reason to buy a NOS centerlink? My thoughts would be to buy the cheapest used peice I could find, since not much can go wrong.
I see no problem with buying an old one, I already did. As long as it's not bent or the holes worn weird.
The only reason I bought a NOS one is that it was all I could find at the time. I paid $189 for it, which was about double what I have seen them for since. My point is that they are getting harder to find, I have no problem using a used one. Just couldn't find one.
Hey nothing wrong with new, in fact as long as you have the $ its worth it IMO Why get a 40 year old link that has seen rain maybe salt if you don't have to? I allways go new if is avaiable and not way out of price. I won't pay $300 or more but yeah $190 thats ok--for me anyways
Someone should post a picture of the difference!

How do I know if i have a drop or not? whats the measurements?
my 66 dart is /6 but it has a bowed centerlink.. is mine dropped too?
or standard?

The slant centerlink is pretty flat. The v8 has a very visible drop. I have found that just because your car came with a six doesn't mean it has the flat centerlink. Sometimes a car is put together with what was available. Not just what is normal, oddities show up.
moparlee said:
Man, apart of me wishes that I would of went yellow.


From one Lee, to another;
I think your car looks Very good in Blue.

caveman, lee..

can somebody confirm that this is a drop?

i feel totally confuzled now.. it looks like one. but whats the measurement on how far it is?


thanks Cerwin

When I looked at mine yesterday, It looked like the drop was about equal to the thickness of the bar. Maybe 1" or slightly more. Keep in mind, I am on my back looking under a car.

Here in a few hours I am going to look at a collection of pieces including a dropped arm, mounts fenderwell headers etc.

I should have a better idea then.

If it is appropriate, I will get pics as well.

Thanks, ROB
Cerwin, I'll be going out to work in the shop in a little while, so I'll measure the one from my 66 and get you a photo. Yours is the one you need for the V8 conversion, but I'll get all the info for anyone else that might need it.
O.K. guys, pictures and measurements are hot off the press. This is from my 66 CDN Valiant (US Dart) which had the original 273 in it when I bought it from the original owner 30 years ago. It is 22" wide (long) and the drop is 1 5/8" as measured in the picture. Hope this helps all you guys with the early A bodies. I also have a 65 CDN Valiant with the original /6 in it, but there's 2 feet of snow all around it and I wasn't about to go diggin' in there for a photo today, so you'll have to wait until the snow melts before I get a picture of that one. :)

66V8CL_1 (Small).JPG

66V8CL_2 (Small).JPG

66V8CL_3 (Small).jpg