Electric fan????

Had an electric fan quit on me two hours from home. Never again. I'll stick to a belt driven fan .QUOTE]

You have never broken or thrown a belt?

I used a 16" pusher from a mercedes I found in a JY.
It helped at higher rpm's, I went from pulling 4200rpm to 5000rpm.
I could feel the slight boost in power, it pulled harder through the rpm range.
You have never broken or thrown a belt?

no i haven't. even if i had its a ton easier to replace a belt ( that i have extra of in the trunk) on the side of the road 2 hours from home.. :)
Well, I am not doing a racer motor so after reading this I think I will just find a fan clutch. Any one with a part number of what I need to get? Oh, and thanks for all the responces.