eNeRgY drinks.



Superior Member
Apr 5, 2006
Reaction score
Meridian, Idaho
I dont drink much of these because the effects on me are pretty wild. I dont do caffiene very well. I dont like most the big name ones anyways. I do get a Ol' Glory drink maybe 1 - 2 times a week just because I like the taste. The question I have after reading the ingredients on these things is... Who is addicted to these drinks? Who has had adverse affects from these drinks? There really isnt alot of "good" things in these drinks. The sugars and sodium levels are crazy especially when most say "2 servings per container" Wow....

any thoughts ? I would like to know.

I don't drink them either but for the opposite reason, they don't do anything for me. I could drink 4 cups of coffee, 6 redbull and go for a nap :munky2:
rockstar is my favorite,at work i get redbull for free on fri,sat and i'll have 8-10 of them,they run me up to about 8000rpm.
I like them, when I'm really tired. They used to no affect me, since I was drinking like 4-6 a day, but since i've stopped most of my soda drinking, give me one of those, and i'ts like watching a turbo spool up haha.
My grandson was drinking them last year. He is 16 now. He was using them to stay awake when he was very tired. He ended up crashing at school one day and we had to go get him. He ended up sleeping for 36 hours and wasn't right for at least a week. They are bad news at the best of times and if really abused can kill.

I was hooked on them for awile. Was drinking 2 or 3 a day every day. Red bull or AMP's. I could not go to sleep at night and would stay up till late. Some times not geting to bed till 3 or 4 in the morning. Then I was tiered and did not want to wake up. They are expencive too. I think like 3-4 bucks! So I quit drinking them. I fell better and have extra money for my cars now.
5- 6 cans ? this amazes me that a few of you drink so much of it in one day ...I can see how the caffiene may not affect some of ya but lets look at the sugar content... I have a 16 oz. can of ol Glory here. It says sugar = 27 grams. Ok so lets see theres two servings in this can so thats 54 grams...ok so 4 grams of sugar make 1 teaspoon..... quick math here... 13.5 teaspoons of sugar in 1 can !!!!! So you guys that drink 2-3 of (16 oz.) ones are getting 27 - 40 teaspoons of sugar !!!!! Thats insane. Wow... perspective is a killer huh ?

I am not really against the drinks... but its just intersting to look at it...

what about shrimps?

I drink the sugar-free rockstar occasioanlly at work when I'm getting beat down and have been working all day.
Well I dont drink them much at all but im saying I can down a bunch of them and it does nothing for me. Ive even tried the 5 hour energy shot it doesnt work either.
The only time I drink any kind of energy drink is when I'm playing pool. Sometimes I'll have a Red Bull mixed with Tarantula tequila, they call it a spiderbite. After I've had one or two, better watch out if I'm playing, because table runs start coming pretty easy!!!! LOL!!
The only time I drink any kind of energy drink is when I'm playing pool. Sometimes I'll have a Red Bull mixed with Tarantula tequila, they call it a spiderbite. After I've had one or two, better watch out if I'm playing, because table runs start coming pretty easy!!!! LOL!!

Up here they drop a shot glass of Jagermeister in a glass of redbull and suck it back, they're called Jagerbombs, those do give me a bit of a lift :-D
Completely unrelated, but a friend of mine was wasted, drinking Jaeger, ran out of any kind of they started using ketchup...called it a Jaeger 57...
Addict. 4 rockstar juiced and 2 NOS so far today. It's a lot of caffeine and yea its horrible for me. I've actually cut back in general, Just needed to get some work done last night and it kept me up.

By the way NOS is amazing, has probably the most caffeine of any drink and tastes delicious and u can usually find them 2 for 3 dollars at most gas stations.
Yeah, I *used* to rock the Rockstars, cause my company was keeping the frig full of them to keep us "productive" with constant 12-16 hour days to get certain projects shipped. The lack of real rest and the monstrous amounts of sugar/HFCS and caffeine I think helped contribute to my diagnosis of type 2 diabetes at age 40 back in '06. Our bodies weren't designed to down that much sugar/HFCS, and it definitely IS addictive. Check out the book "Sugar Blues" some time...

The sugar-free ones are worse. The Splenda/Sucralose in those is really bad ****. I stay away from them all. Once I got my diagnosis, I backed WAY OFF of any sugars in my diet, started going to the gym/walking regularly, and began drinking a gallon of water a day (Sounds like a lot, but I'm 6'3" and now a muscular 225 lbs). I drink my two cups of coffee (can't quit that) with just milk, and I'm good to go all day, with no crash after work.

Oh yeah, my "type 2 diabetes" is totally in check without any pharmaceuticals, too.

My advice: Drink clean water instead.
I'm with Shishaldin on this one. I have two cups of coffee in the morning and cool water the rest of the day. Maybe a little wine or a beer in the evening, but I probably only drink a couple six packs a year...
To be honest, I really dont like the way any of them taste. But I drink a pot of coffee a day in the summer and more than 2 pots when it gets cold out so I dont think I need any extra boost anyways :-D