even the wife helps



Mopar Nut
May 22, 2006
Reaction score
Belleville Canada
Hi guys this is Cindy,she is tourqing the heads on the SB she is very helpfull and knows her way around a car,in fact she is the one who found the 69 dart.

You are a lucky man to have a wife that wants to be a part of your hobby. Mine tries to pretend she's interested when I talk to here but, I can see her mind wander as I speak.....lol.
You are a lucky man to have a wife that wants to be a part of your hobby. Mine tries to pretend she's interested when I talk to here but, I can see her mind wander as I speak.....lol.
Same here 63dartman 8)

Hi Cindy :cheers: Yep Snake has the best of both worlds pretty lady Snake
my wife says she will divorce if there is know car in the household lol.Hopefull the motor will go in this weakend.
:colors::colors::colors::wave:high Cindy:toothy4::happy3:
My wife trys to learn stuff and shows interest. If I buy another car though before we move to a better house she has made it clear that I am toast.:sign10:
Mine tries to pretend she's interested when I talk to here but, I can see her mind wander as I speak.....lol.

Dartman - you're lucky. My wife's mind starts to wander before I speak. LOL.
Gotta admit she's better than she was. She at least comes out in the garage every so often to see what's going on. Hopefully she'll get more enthused when my '69 Dart hits the road.
Funny thing is she recently told me she thought Chrysler was part of GM. You know, you try and teach them........
Too funny....My wife has been trying to remember the names of the parts I talk about to her. So far she has carbeurator, distributor, and radiator locked down. From there it's a gamble. That only took 4yrs I think](*,) She tries though. She comes out and checks on me too. Just to make sure she doesn't have to cash in my policy8)
You boys are doing just fine,its when they say the car goes or i go now thats when its a problim.at least they try right.
My wife and I spent our honeymoon at the Northwest Nats in Seattle in 1990 and she does like cars but she very seldom helps me work on one unless I really need an extra pair of hands. Being that I have owned nothing but GM's in my lifetime and her father was a retired GM partsman, when I decided to buy my 65 Cuda she supported me fully in my choice of cars to build. She did tell me in no uncertain terms and I quote, " I'll be damned if I'll buy you any Mopar T-shirts though". She's a Chevy girl deep down, and to be quite honest, I'm a GM guy too but this little Cuda really got me thinking that it was time to do something different. The original plan was to do a budget build and flip it to buy another Chevelle, Tri-5, or what have you but this car is growing on me. Once I get it back on the road I may keep it forever because it's cool and different.
its when they say the car goes or i go now thats when its a problim.

Now you're talking about my ex-wife. I heard that ultimatum back in the early '80s regarding my original '69 340 Swinger several months before she walked out. I ended up keeping the house, the kids, and the car. She even payed me child support!
Good deal Snake! You are a lucky man.

I actually rolled Tammy out of bed early on Saturday so she could hold a wrench on the motor mount bolts for me. Gotta love her! 8)
Thanksss guy yes I am very luckey.Once I get the Dart road worthy she will be my mopar babe in a tight black dress stay tuned lol.