Exhaust options?

A small dimple with a ball peen hammer will do the trick.
It's a little more involved than that, not only the clearence, but also an airgap of 1/2" for safety. Picked up a set of mid-seventys Cordoba manifolds for $40. The passenger side is ok, and the driver side looks doable if I get rid of the column shift and take town the surface 1/4". I'll keep you posted.
There is a company that is making the BB stock driver manifold.Last I checked is was around $500 and 6 mos. wait.
There's no need for an air gap. We didn't even dimple my old 67 Dart or my son's 67 to use 69 HP manifolds on the 440. There's something around 35,000 miles on the whole package. The only carpet I ever melted was at the high beam switch.
does anyone have pictures of the "B" engine running HP manifolds? Also if you have to trim anything do you have pics of that?
I just put my big block a-body manifolds on ebay Sunday. They have been repaired though. Someone is going to get them cheap. No bids yet and no reserve. I have been sitting on them long enough, and do not plan to use them. So if you really need a set, you could check them out, they end Sunday 02\22\09. I ran TTI's instead. ebay 190287369210
What are the best headers for a BB and a 4 speed?
Schumacher even states their headers need to be modified for 4 speeds.
I am not sure there is a "best" header for BB/4-spd. I think it is going to be trial and error. I know if I ever do another big block a-body 4-speed, it will be with the factory manifolds.
well I managed to dry fit my 383 in the hole (w/out trans) so far so good.
I used c body manifolds with some slight grinding on the m/fold at the steering shaft coupler.
As for the shoemaker mounts, the r/t side was two inches to thick, thus pushing the l/t manifold to the steering shaft, so I used the old B body mount bracket, drilled a center hole for the sandwich mount and voila! its in.
By the way, I kept the power steering, It clears the gear and hoses yet will need a heat shield.
For starter I'll be using a starter off a 96 ram which is smaller.
Cant wait to start it up!

Keep you updated.
