Explanation Please

Thanks for the hard work, Joey. If we lose it, we lose it. At least the site is up and running again. Thanks for that.
Sure! Sure! You have everything to gain by the missing days. Meanwhile I'm still out my Goat!!!:poke::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
Post whores.....go everywhere for the win. :rolleyes:

I object to that characterization. Whores do it for money with no regard for their own preferences.
I only post what I personally like.

I'm getting calls and texts from friends about the B body site being down.
A builder friend of mine asked me to repair his phone a few years ago....said he slipped and dropped it or something.....

Bit of a long story. Bear with me here...

Had my rucksack burn in on the drop zone when I was a young stud at Fort Bragg... The frame was bent to hell but no option but to deal with it for the exercise and ruck march.

Fast forward back to garrison and I go to supply for a replacement rucksack frame. The supply Sergeant explains to me that popped rivets and bent tubing are "operator level maintenance"...so I ask what qualifies me for a new frame? He states, "broken (aluminum) tubing...

I step out of the supply room and beat the frame against the wall until the frame breaks....walking back into the supply room and beginning the conversation again as if I'd never been there...

He was flummoxed...

Since then I've had the saying... "Sometimes it's just not broke enough."

Seeing 4 nails thru the phone brought that back