FABO Meet-N-Greet 2016 Mopars in the Park Show Farmington Minnesota June 4-5

I'm working on my wipers tonight! Packing a bottle of rain-X and a spare pop-up awning too.
Getting things packed up and ready for a early Saturday departure. Dang it's cold in here.
Shoot, I was booked to stay there, but changed Wednesday night to a different hotel.
I plan on stopping by tomorrow for the meet and greet. See everyone then.
I spent the majority of the day tuning my carb and getting some bugs out. I didnt wash it, but I did clean it up some. I bought new wipers, but rainx'ed the windshield just in case. Dana mentioned grabbing our pop up screen tent, but we cant get to it, (its packed away in the pop up). Myself/Dana and Grimace are will be there rain or shine, looking forward to seeing everyone!
I haven't had a chance to do anything to my car. I wanted to wash it and change the oil but I've just been too busy. Plus this afternoon we just picked up a new puppy. Hopefully I'll get some sleep. Otherwise I'll be leaving much earlier than I planned. HA!
Great time Keith. I think we had a Revel Stoke in Memike's honor.
That little shower got a bunch of us huddled under the Easy Up. It was close but we shared some laughs and Revel stoke. What a great time. I was happy to see you guys again and meet some new faces. Who has the photo of us under the tent? I think we'll talking about this for weeks! You guys are a great group!
I started a photo garage for the photos I took. I'm sorry for the members cars I didn't get. Over all there were over 1000 pre entered cars. In the #100 class there were over 40 cars. (I registered at 9:30 Saturday and my # was 40.) More came after me and there were other classes that had A bodied cars in them. I would estimate that there were 60-70 A bodies there. A great show and a strong showing for us! Here's a link to the garage. Farmington Minnesota Mopars in the Park 2016
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Thanks for snapping the pic of my car.. I never got around to it, and when I remembered we had already left for the day.
You bet! It is so hard to take photos of them all. I wanted to start a garage for the photos but we need to post a bunch here too.
A bunch of us from ne Iowa did pretty good this weekend. 5 cars, 5 awards with 3 first place class awards. Pretty cool. Not bad out of more than a thousand cars. Dang, I was so excited I don't know who won the #100 class.