FABO Member goes extra mile



Well-Known Member
Jan 27, 2010
Reaction score
Pt Stanley,Ont.,Canada
I just want to thank Redfish for going that extra mile for us members up north.I wanted to order new defrost ducts for my Cuda but the shipping was going to cost $67.00 us to Canada. Redfish sent me a pm stating he would order them for me to his place (free shipping in the US) then mail them to my address at a cost of $5.01us thus saving me $62.00 us. Thanks again Ben for helping me out. Pete
Just thought I would mention this package was 6" square and weighted 10 ounces if that and the defrost duct cost $18.00. Whats with the $67.00????????????????????????????????????????????? did I miss something here
Glad Redfish could help, there are many great members here on FABO!!! :cheers:
Just thought I would mention this package was 6" square and weighted 10 ounces if that and the defrost duct cost $18.00. Whats with the $67.00????????????????????????????????????????????? did I miss something here

Just the screwing UPS was going to do for brokerage fees.

I ship postal to Canada all the time, shipping for something like the defrost ducts would be less than $10(at the very most)!!!!!!
Way to go, Redfish:thumbrig:

I ship postal to Canada all the time, shipping for something like the defrost ducts would be less than $10(at the very most)!!!!!!
Your forgeting brokerage fees and taxes when it arrives here in Canada.Trust me,I know.

P.S way to go RedFish,always glad to hear US members helping members north of the border!
if any of you folks in Canada ever need assistance in this way feel free to let me know....
Once again RedFish you da man , I haven't forgotten the hour you spent on the phone explaining dash electrical faults to me and as soon as I come across an old fuel guage it's heading your way for a rebuild and IVR
PS PettyBlue I've never been dinged for taxes and such by Canada Post but man UBS has sure bent me over.
Redfish has helped me as well. One more reason I pay to be a gold member, best tool I have in the garage (FABO).
Yep, RedFish has helped me as well. Great guy......way to go Ben 8)

FABO attracts the best :thumbup:
I don't order anthing that is sent UPS..It has to be USPS and if I find the shipping on ebay way to much like your $62 then I report them. Like you said as well as Rick from Laysons should not have been more than $10.00. Ebay is tring to stop the over charging on shipping be we have to help out as well.
Way to Red....
............Thanks 4 the offers guys, im sure u will get lots of requests..........Im 2 far away from the border 2 just run across the line, so that will b a great help 2 me.............I would even pay u guys 2 do this 4 me..........thanks...............kim..........
if any of you folks in Canada ever need assistance in this way feel free to let me know....
I was at my brother's place yesterday working on my Scamp and he mentioned trying to buy something for one of his barracudas and that the shipper refused to ship up here. I'll have to mention this to him:)
RED FISH for President!

He is a great FABO member....in the highest standing in my book...

Aloha Mike
I was at my brother's place yesterday working on my Scamp and he mentioned trying to buy something for one of his barracudas and that the shipper refused to ship up here. I'll have to mention this to him:)

I have run across this a few times.I think it's mostly a misunderstanding of what is involved on the shipping forms.It's really not that bad when shipping to the states. The form is simple and they just want to know what it is and how much so they can get thier taxes.
Your forgeting brokerage fees and taxes when it arrives here in Canada.Trust me,I know.

P.S way to go RedFish,always glad to hear US members helping members north of the border!

I just received a part from a member here. It was sent postal from the States and Canada Post just got me for GST = $7.46, PST = $11.93 and a Handling Fee = $5.00. An extra $24.39 that I wasn't expecting. :angry7:

And an "atta boy" goes out to RedFish. :cheers:
