Facebook, Twitter, MySpace



Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2009
Reaction score
Aurora, IN
How many of you guys participate in these website; Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, etc. Anyone belong to anything else? Are you addicted to them? 64dart170 says I am. He said the computer is doing something with my brain. Who cares, all I do all day long is teach and this is my stress reliever. I enjoy Facebook. I have really been able to find some of my old friends that I went to school with. I moved from Alabama 12 years ago and have lost contact with alot of people. The last two weeks I recontacted with four very good friends of mine. MySpace seemed that all these wierd guys were bothering me that I didn't know. One was really perverted to me. He even asked me where I lived at. I quickly denied him. :glasses9::hiding:
How many of you guys participate in these website; Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, etc. Anyone belong to anything else? Are you addicted to them? 64dart170 says I am. He said the computer is doing something with my brain. Who cares, all I do all day long is teach and this is my stress reliever. I enjoy Facebook. I have really been able to find some of my old friends that I went to school with. I moved from Alabama 12 years ago and have lost contact with alot of people. The last two weeks I recontacted with four very good friends of mine. MySpace seemed that all these wierd guys were bothering me that I didn't know. One was really perverted to me. He even asked me where I lived at. I quickly denied him. :glasses9::hiding:

Sorry dear but I stay from those websites, FABO is my only addiction.:love7:

I have connected with a few old friends on facebook, but i generally don't brag about my important and exciting life for all the world to follow... Mostly because it is about as boring and mundane an existence as imaginable.
I read about all the exciting things they are doing... (yawn) ... ... and then if I want to see something really interesting, I check FABO !!!!! The one person I follow regularly on facebook is author L.K.Madigan. Her debut novel FLASH BURNOUT is getting good reviews, is on some top 10 lists, and I find it interesting. Recomended for ages 14 and up. So if you know any teen readers...
How many of you guys participate in these website; Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, etc. Anyone belong to anything else? Are you addicted to them? 64dart170 says I am. He said the computer is doing something with my brain. Who cares, all I do all day long is teach and this is my stress reliever. I enjoy Facebook. I have really been able to find some of my old friends that I went to school with. I moved from Alabama 12 years ago and have lost contact with alot of people. The last two weeks I recontacted with four very good friends of mine. MySpace seemed that all these wierd guys were bothering me that I didn't know. One was really perverted to me. He even asked me where I lived at. I quickly denied him. :glasses9::hiding:
Stick with FABO Betty. Pretty sure we are all friends here with a common bond.
I was only "kinda perverted" 12 years ago and look where it got me!:cheers:


Besides ABB, Fern, BOF, Baby, Vinnie, and Lex keep me pretty busy!8)
Big fan of facebook I got back in touch with so many old friends it's unreal. I am not a fan of talking on the phone. It's real easy to stay in touch and I can do it when I find the time.
I have Facebook, Myspace and also FABO. I am not on either much, but recently found a girl on Facebook that I went to school with in 5th grade that I haven't seen since and have now been keeping in touch.
Facebook only. And then I only check it every few weeks or so. Twitter? The name says it all and I got no use for it. FABO = the greatest place on the net. No need to go anywhere else. Besides, where else can you find a great guy like memike (and the rest of the crew here)?

Growing up in the age of social networking...I use Facebook, myspace, and Twitter. Myspace mainly during my high school years, and now facebook and twitter. Facebook is a very nice and easy way (free too) to keep in touch with people all over the country that I otherwise would never have kept in touch with.
Use Facebook to keep in touch with old& new friends and family

MySpace to goof off and pick up the young chicks :evil::evil1::-\"
...are on my browser's bookmark toolbar. I resisted Facebook for a loooong time, but I'm really stoked that I'm on it now. I've reconnected with high school friends from 25 years ago, including some gals who I had no idea were interested in me saying things like "you are totally hot.......its a total WOW hes fuckin hot now...." :cheers: That feels pretty good, especially to a soon-to-be single middle aged guy :)

Yep, FABO and Facebook. Two places I visit daily that I really wouldn't want to be without...
I use My Space and Facebook but mostly here and my space. We use it to talk everyday to our grandkids and My wifes son. I have just found my kids on there that I haven't seen or heard from for 15 years, it's been very emotional but couldn't of done it without my space. My wife did a great job of keeping them from "The Evil Rock Drummer", well come to find out they have been looking for years.
...are on my browser's bookmark toolbar. I resisted Facebook for a loooong time, but I'm really stoked that I'm on it now. I've reconnected with high school friends from 25 years ago, including some gals who I had no idea were interested in me saying things like "you are totally hot.......its a total WOW hes fuckin hot now...." :cheers: That feels pretty good, especially to a soon-to-be single middle aged guy :)

Yep, FABO and Facebook. Two places I visit daily that I really wouldn't want to be without...

I hear what you are saying. I have found 2 of my best friends from school, relatives I haven't talked to in years, and a guy who I use to think was dorky looking. He is not dorky looking anymore. Then I found other friends and I was like what in the world happened to them.
Facebook. I reconnected with alot of family and friends from my youth. I don't do all the games and quizzes or post my status every 10 minutes, but I do like commenting on other's posts or photos. It seems like a great way to keep in touch.
I dont do any of em. FABO only. The wife is on Facebook and i've warned her that there are unsafe people on those places and when it gets nasty and people go to tracking her down and making her life difficult then things WILL get nasty. I told her if she doesn't want to make my life difficult then be very careful. I will protect her from her ignorance if it comes down to it.
Small Block
Since my 10 year high school reunion, I've gotten into facebook, it's a good way to keep track of what people are up to, plus I run a daily trivia contest on there (it's not currently going, but it'll be back up as soon as I locate an appropriate grand prize). Never was a fan of myspace. I do use craigslist quite often, as I'm usually in the market for something you just can't find anywhere. I also spend a good bit of time over at slantsix.org. Of course there's ebay, as well as specialy auction sites (anyone ever use gunbroker.com?). Also, I've gotten to be a big fan of neatorama recently, there's some incredibly creative people out there.
For the first 10 years of surfing the 'net I kept it in phantom mode- observe but do not interact. In the last year, I've begun to put myself out there a little more. I am on 4 or 5 auto forums, a couple of farm forums, a couple of faith-based forums, and facebook. I guess I would say facebook to keep in touch with old friends, fabo to keep in touch with new!