Fan eats Radiator



Well-Known Member
Feb 19, 2009
Reaction score
Central Florida
So I am cruising along in my 2008 300c and I hear a bang under the hood, when I get to my destination about 3 miles down the road I smell antifreeze. Apparently one of the fan blades broke off and punctured the radiator. Fortunately I purchased a lifetime $100 deductible warranty on my 300, so the repair is covered, but they tell me I have to flush my coolant system to do the repair and that will cost me an extra $140, which sounds outrageous to me.

Does that sound like something that needs to be done or are they just screwing with me ?

They are replacing the radiator and the fans and a control module under warranty. The car only has 78K miles on it
I would say good idea, but not a must. Unless some foreign bodies got into the coolant, i see no necessity..
If you say no,i guess they claim it on you if something happen with the cooling system longer down the road,but i can not see why they need to do it.
If it is not recommended in the factory service manual then you do not have to do it. There may be a recommended service for servicing cooling system at a certain mileage. They may want to see that you have done that. Shouldnthe matter with the type of failure you had though.
How does it cost $140 is my question. Undo a hose. Drain it. Fill it back up. Unless they are talking one of those "pressurized" flushes. Which is always a rip off as far as I'm concerned.
If it was me, and I was going to warranty the new radiator, I would properly flush the cooling system just to make sure there's no tap water, well water, creek water, wrong type coolant in there. As for the cost,
I don't know what Chrysler gets for their coolant. I know what Toyota gets for their pretty pink coolant.