FBBO having problems with the maintenance?



One of the banned Henchmen from FBBO
Staff member
FABO Gold Member
Nov 25, 2009
Reaction score
Pasadena, TX
Is it still down or am I having problems? FEBO is still down too....
It's been like that all day....
I just went in and got the famous red screen immediately after the site being down for maintance. My protection programs were updated last night and I did a full system scan. Maybe they are down trying to eliminate the issues that have been going on and get them fixed for good. Good Job if that is what is happening.

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Says it will be up in a few hours, that was yesterday and now its 10am my time and still nothing. I guess my gold membership that I paid for a few days ago wasn't soon enough. Frustrating!!!!!!
I like how the message includes "Don't Panic" so after a day of FBBO being down for more than the few hours, what do I do? PANIC of course! lol

Reminds me of the 'Don't Panic' book in 'Hitch hikers guide to the Galaxy' lol