Female body builders...

No fat chicks nor body builders for me i'll take the regular size ladies [sebee thats perfect] 110 lbs nice butt and small chest [more than a mouthfull it's waisted].

Sounds like we got the same taste in ladies

I hate to tell you, 110 lbs is not regular size anymore

Too many get those implants as well, yeah it does make them look sexier--with their clothes on, lol but I prefer the soft small cup sizes.

But gee, I done those gals, the normal size gals--never a fat gal-I'm talking fat, ha ha

But a female bodybuilder would be something else all together. I just don't think I could satisfied them and I know I couldn't flip her over

Anybody see about the little 4'11 Mr Universe 1952--goes to show you don't need height to be strong

Hunter S. Thompson had a phrase for "women" like that... Gyno Nightmares.
Body Nazis also works.
I have no problem with tone... but want no part of anybody smuggling walnuts under their skins. Doesn't look good on a dude much less a woman! And I think the veins should stay on the inside, thank you.....
I'm with Spaz on the players. I love the way they lay it out and let it all hang out. Some very nice camera work on the court i might add.
Small Block