Fetch or Keep Away?



Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2009
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La Paz, B.C.S., Mexico
Our female Doberman would prefer keep away unless we trick her somehow (i.e. alternate between throwing two different toys).

However, there is one outstanding exception to this and I don't know if this is common with other dogs or just her personal quirk.

That is, whenever I rake leaves in the yard, she keeps dropping her favorite round squeaker ball right in front of the rake or right in the center of the pile of leaves, wanting/waiting for me to throw it again.
She knows you are trying to get something done and she also knows that if she does fetch "the right way" it will cause you to change your attention from what you are doing to her!
Had to pick out a plastic squeaker bone from the trash one time after both Camelia (the dog) and I spent two or three days looking around the yard for it. I accidently threw the toy away with the leaves.
Our female Doberman would prefer keep away unless we trick her somehow (i.e. alternate between throwing two different toys).

However, there is one outstanding exception to this and I don't know if this is common with other dogs or just her personal quirk.

That is, whenever I rake leaves in the yard, she keeps dropping her favorite round squeaker ball right in front of the rake or right in the center of the pile of leaves, wanting/waiting for me to throw it again.
Dobermans are very smart.
Dobermans are very smart.

I got a "starved as a puppy" , German sheppard ,rescued him I guess u could say, that has a security blanket toy. He `s frantic w/o it . Large KONG TOY. He`s always bringing it and dropping it in my way, wanting me to throw it so he can chase it down.
I've got a lab that lives to play ball in the backyard. Her strange quirk is that when she retrieves it she runs past me and then circles around and comes up from behind me? She can't just bring the ball back and put it down. Strange dog.
Our dog is a toy trader. Every time she wants something, or wants to go bye bye with us, she’ll hustle around the house and frantically look for one of her favorite toys. She brings it and drops it in front of whoever she’s trying to hustle. Of course once she gets her way, she comes and sweeps up the toy and whisks it away to her secret hiding spot, just to start the cycle all over again!
Buddy is a throw it or he will take it away from you, so we throw his toy and he brings it back ! but don't throw an empty 30 pack box on the floor or leave one where he can reach it, he shreds it and makes it ready for the trash, his therapy in the winter time :lol:

Buddy is a throw it or he will take it away from you, so we throw his toy and he brings it back ! but don't throw an empty 30 pack box on the floor or leave one where he can reach it, he shreds it and makes it ready for the trash, his therapy in the winter time :lol:

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Maybe I should start doing that LOL. Morning Mike...thx for dropping in.
Maybe I should start doing that LOL. Morning Mike...thx for dropping in.
Good morning Mark, yea, you should see the energy it takes to shred the box, he gets his exercise doing it when he is stuck in the house in the cold wet winter moths
I've got a lab that lives to play ball in the backyard. Her strange quirk is that when she retrieves it she runs past me and then circles around and comes up from behind me? She can't just bring the ball back and put it down. Strange dog.

Same here, he`s just now learning to let me have it back so I can throw it again.
When I feed him , he just about goes nuts, he gets really excited about food, he`ll make at least 2 circles around the yard, run and slide into , and knock stuff over , funny as all get out, unless its me he runs in to !
I think he may be a little shy of a few marbles from being starved when he was a pup. I feed him half again as much as I do my Rottweiler , its taken about 3 yrs to get some meat on his bones! He sure thinks a lot of me tho----
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Have 2 shitzu’s I tell them it’s bedtime one runs upstairs jumps in bed the other one scrambles for a toy gets it then drops it at the bottom of the stairs for me to throw it upstairs then she retrieves it and runs to bed. Every night we do this. Sometimes I have to chase her to get it from her. But she will not go up unless I throw it to the top. If it goes halfway she waits till I get it to the top.
My Husky/Shepherd mix is mainly interested in a toy if it belongs to another dog, but he is learning that he can get a treat if he brings the ball back, it's only taken 4 years. We call him an "independent thinker", we recently got him a little, sister, also a Husky mix, and bless him, he lets her chew his ears, jump on him, and bite at his paws, he rarely lets anyone touch his paws.
I can run right up to within an inch of the nose of our Doberman and she won't move/back away, that is what I call trust.