Fighting the flu



Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2006
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SE Kansas
Boy, this years crud just hangs on. Constant 100 deg and more for the past two days.
I feel for ya brother. I had strep not to long ago. I hope you get well soon.
Well my hair quit hurting and it's sunny out, think I'll set some hay out for the cattle. I get cabin fever really bad.
Bad here too.
Sunday night leg pain and 101 and did not eat a thing until Monday night.
And that was just 1/2 a bowl of chicken noodle soup.
Tuesday was even worse, Treva cam home at noon and seen me crashed and sopping wet, 103 and looked almost dead, felt so bad I could not even pick up the phone, Back on my feet know but I still feel like some one throwed
me out of a truck, Been cleaning and doing laundry today and spraying door knobs and key boards. I have smoked three cigarettes since Sunday night.
I am doing my best to quite this nasty habbit!! and know would be a good
time. I have a 18 pack of Bud light in the fridge that I don't even have a desire for. Yet.:-D

These meds helped take my fever down, and my little blue ones kept me asleep:-D.. It is hitting everyone here in our area.

I feel for ya! My 10 year old came down with Type A last week on tuesday and didn't go back to school until Monday two days ago. His temp on Wednesday got up to 103.4 and I hauled him to the doctor. We got a perscription for Tamiflu and in a couple days he was feeling much better.
Wife and I took the boy in Tues. and got an anti-biotic for him. I've been taking an anti-biotic I had prescribed for an injured finger. Last night his temp shot back up to over 101 and mine is 100 today. I've heard this lasts a good week and I think my wife's luck is running out, sore throat this morning.
Looks like the bed clothes will be washed again today. another pillow soaking
night for me, woke up about 5 am and felt ok, had a 1/2 cup of coffee.
Treva got up for work at 6 am and back to bed I went 100 temp,with chills.
Just woke up and let Boogie out and drank a glass of gaiter aid.
I have lost 4 1/2 lb's since sunday, But gained 20$ on not smoking and 20$ on beer, I ready am for this !@#$ to be gone.:angry7:
man I just got over it too looks like its out here on the right coast as well. Today was the first I felt really ok, now I just keep coughing up the rutzers. Maybe Ill go out and work on the Duster some today