final pix of subframe connectors

The color of the body of the cleco determines the drill size you use. The silver ones are 3/32 or #40 drill which is the best size for automotive sheetmetal as the holes are small, and easy to weld over.

Copper color is.1/8" drill or #30 drill size

Black color is #21 drill size

Brass color is #10 drill size.

Im an aircraft sheetmetal mechanic by trade. The larger the # the smaller the hole. I use the #40 silver clecos at home doing my automotive sheetmetal. They really seem to work the best. The wingnut type or draw clecos as they are called are pricey, but not needed for all situations. Check out the button or spring clecos. These require a pair of plyers to install or remove. The plyers are about $6.00, and the spring clecos are $4.20 a dosen. A have a bunch of these work great for hanging quarter panels, or pinning floor pans in place to weld em in . Since these are so cheap id stay away from used ones on evilbay.
Nice work!

The more I look at the SCCA classes, the more I realize that with the other mods I'm planning for the car I'll probably end up in a higher class than just the frame connectors will put me in anyway. Eh. Its not like I want it to be a competitive car, just a "for fun" thing anyway. The rims and tires I want to run alone bump me up a few classes.

What are you looking at? My tentative plan has to drop back into ESP since they loosened the rules on subframe connectors. I had welded in a MP set before I learned that it would bump the car to CP. Now they have rust holes, so I'm looking at making a taller set. As the new rules allow one middle connection, a small arm/brace connecting to the rocker brace to the floor is a good place to tie it in the middle.

That said, it will be interesting to see how the rework of stock classes ripples into the others.
I'm a machinist by trade, so I know the drill..arharharh. I was looking at the clecos with pliers on ebay. The pliers are just another tool to get lost in my sea of junk. I don't do as much fab work as I used to...too old and too fat, but what little I do, the ones I just bought on ebay should hold me. I may drop by triple S steel and see what they have. They are usually fair on price and the checkout girls are pretty, so it's worth the trip.