Finally found how the exhaust fumes were leaking into the car



Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2020
Reaction score
Tacoma WA
I've had on ongoing exhaust leak inside this convertible since we bought it. The convertible boot is missing but so what? It didn't matter for half the year because the top was down. This time of year, it matters again. I bought rubber plugs for every hole in the floor pan and spent more time staring at the firewall and rechecking exhaust fittings... It finally occurred to me to put a drop light in the trunk via the convertible boot area and turn the garage lights out. Light shown out everywhere! The trunk latch needed a minor adjustment and even though the trunk weather seal kept the water out, there were enough air gaps to allow the exhaust gas in around the trunk lid. We can finally drive when its below 50 degrees with all the windows rolled up. It's the little things that make life worth living.
Have you not seen my Avatar? Top down 24/7 365, drive it every month in the year, Northern Colorado! No gas fumes issues!

BTW with the heater on other then "off" cowl air is forced into the car and SHOULD create a positive pressure in side the car keeping any exhaust gasses out.
Have you not seen my Avatar? Top down 24/7 365, drive it every month in the year, Northern Colorado! No gas fumes issues!

BTW with the heater on other then "off" cowl air is forced into the car and SHOULD create a positive pressure in side the car keeping any exhaust gasses out.
You remind me of a guy I used to see back in the '60s that rode a huge Harley in the snow/ice. He would have his legs out spread-eagle like outriggers half the time.

I love having the top down enough that I wired in a plug for my old 12vt heated motorcycle jacket for the little woman. And I plugged the floor output of the heater that blows on the throttle pedal. Then the wife can have the heater on MAX without roasting my right foot.

For the fumes, I tried a lot of combos of wing vents, heater blower, etc. without success. I do still have some small gaps between the convertible top frame and the top of the side window glass. Man, I've worn out pages in the FSM on convertible window adjustment. It reminds me of women giving birth. After I forget the details of the last attempt, I optimistically go back for another go. at it.
Harley guys? When we lived in north-central Pennsylvania (small rural town), there was a local guy who rode his Harley all winter long, assuming he rode to work, because I would see him about every day. He had what looked like the frame for a side car attached to it, and a large car battery strapped to the outside end of the outrigger. Rain, sleet or snow never stopped him.

Glad you got your exhaust problem fixed.
In the late 70’s saw a Harley dude ride past through 3 inches of snow, ice and slush with tire chains on the rear tire. Hard core.
Sometimes it’s the only form of transportation.