Finally think I solved my vibration issue

It was the same on jack stands. I put the leafs back to factory location and took it for a test drive. It was still there but not as bad. At hwy speed popped it in neutral and gave it a rev and it did not vibrate like the 727. Above 4000 rpm in 3rd its still violent but not as bad as the 727. I'm on the hunt for a different drive shaft for the 904. I also had my days mixed up. The car isn't needed until the 18th not the 11th.
My 2 cents. Call this guy and get exactly what you need in a driveshaft for about 220 delivered!

I think you may have a phasing issue if you put the driveshaft back in that was shown being welded in this thread. You get the u-joints a bit out of phase and it will make for a lot of fun.

More testing
nothing yet. I need to get my hands on a driveshaft. Hoping the birthday Tasha planned for me involves Rohners Auto salvage. This is just a temporary set up so I don't want to spend good coin on a new one. Even though this stock slant 6 converter is a hoot.
My 2 cents. Call this guy and get exactly what you need in a driveshaft for about 220 delivered!

I think you may have a phasing issue if you put the driveshaft back in that was shown being welded in this thread. You get the u-joints a bit out of phase and it will make for a lot of fun.

All china, all the time...... See youre local shop and ask they keep the china on the shelf
All that from headers rubbing on something?
How did you finally figure it out?

What headers and what were they hitting?
Exhaust pulses can make all kinds of vibrations, you never want the exhaust rigid to the body or leaning on something.
Pulses will and do make people spend money in all different areas.

I had a customer believe he had angle issues, he wanted a dbl slip sleeve shaft to eliminate the angle. built him this 1 of a kind shaft for 800+ and his vibration remained...
Finally he brought his truck down and i saw the exhaust and told him that right angle theory for saving exhaust pipe is the problem, he contested , 2 months later he stopped by and no more vibes after seeing a real exhaust shop.
More than $1500 wasted
. If you don't play with vibrations all the time, they will get you.
