Financial Crisis

Notice not one safety guy, who's going to tend to these guys burns and cuts when Jose cuts into that natural gas line and all that's left is a crater. Or maybe he's the guy sitting down smoking the cigarette.:toothy10:
I already spotted one thing wrong with that picture...there needs to be at least 2 more HR managers, so they can around b.s'ing and gossiping about everyone else in the company.
That's sorta like how the Post Office is run.
LMFAO !!! So painfully true ...

What's that old analogy ? Oh , yeah ; here it is :

When one trims a tree , where should they start ?
The TOP !
If you trim the roots , the whole tree falls-over !

The Blue Collar folks are the roots of the organisation ( the tree ) , whereas the white collar guys are all of that weight and overgrowth at the top .

Too many Chiefs , and not enough Braves .

Somewhere , there's some manager / c.e.o. / other white collar ***** , flying overhead in his personal jet , trying to think of ways to save / make the company some more money :
" it MUST be those guys at the bottom that are killing us ! let's lay them off ... gotta keep my 6-7 figure a year income !..."