Finger - Photo of stitches added



Well-Known Member
Jan 7, 2012
Reaction score
Jessieville, Arkansas
15 stitches later

I won't be doing much for a week or two.

Long story short.

I was taking the left rear tire off of my red car "Home-Brewed" to move the rear back an inch in the relocate boxes.
It is large tire(3.25x50 on 15x10 wheel) and a snug fit. It stuck and I gave it a jerk, lost my balance grabbed for something to stop my fall and caught my left finger tip on the sharp lower left corner of the stainless steel wheel opening trim.

Then came the trip to the ER about 35 milesaway.

I could not drive and keep pressure on the sliced finger to keep it from bleeding.
My wife can not drive due to a broken left shoulder.

I called spl440 and he drove 14 miles from his home and took me to the ER.

I can not thank Shawn enough.

View attachment DSCF1935-1.jpg

I was told to leave the bandage on for a couple of days.

Once it is off I will post a photo of the damage.


As promised, here is the photo of the stitched up finger.

View attachment DSCF1937-2.jpg
A special thanks for spl440 for coming to the rescue!!! That's the spirit of friendship, and what makes the Mopar crowd family!! Hope that finger heals up soon!! Geof
blood sweat and tears

glad to see they managed to keep it attached
no its NOT funny!!!!!

sorta like the time, middle of the night, I cut my upper lip clear all the way thru, all the way to my nose, just flapping in the breeze. everytime I hurt myself, no one there, just me, drove myself to ER , like you, 30-35 mi away!!!! was not funny, then but now...... o k so still not funny!

bad part is I have a list of such wrecks.

hope that finger fells better fast! deep cuts HURT!
Geez! OUCH!!!!!!

As long as you didn't do any nerve damage, you should be fine in a couple of weeks, though you might find the even the well healed scare is a little more sensitive that the rest of your finger.

I cut the index finger on my left hand about 20 years ago, and severed a nerve. Needed emergency surgery and about a dozen or so, stitches. The result is a crescent shaped scare on the inside of my finger at the second joint. The scare, itself is pretty sensitive to the touch, but, fron the second joint to the tip of my finger only has feeling on one side. On the side of my index finger closest to my thumb the sensation of touch is non-existent.
If I were to put my finger down on a flat surface, like a table, it would fell like I have my finger on the edge of the table, with the side of my index finger closest to my thumb hanging off the table.

Needless to say, when this accident happened, it took me a few weeks to adapt to playing bass.
A car won't run good unless you've bleed your best blood on it...

Now it's ready...
Dammit,I hope that's not the one you use to pick your nose.If so that really sucks!
Your welcome Herb, will be over this week to help finish moving the rear axle back, of course only for selfish reasons, need to use the lift it is on!
Herb, that made me quiver a little just looking at the bandage. I think I will
take a pain pill now. You want one?

Hey Tony,

Just took one.

I was hoping to make it to the swap this year and visit with you.

I had to change my plans due to my wife's broken shoulder. She took a fall and split the ball at the top of her left arm bone in half. Seven screws and a plate later she is not going to rehab 3 times a week. She can not drive yet so it is up to me .

There is always next year.

sometimes the simplest things... :banghead: glad you had a bud close enough to help you out [quote="Dart67";1971159916]15 stitches later

I won't be doing much for a week or two.

Long story short.

I was taking the left rear tire off of my red car "Home-Brewed" to move the rear back an inch in the relocate boxes.
It is large tire(3.25x50 on 15x10 wheel) and a snug fit. It stuck and I gave it a jerk, lost my balance grabbed for something to stop my fall and caught my left finger tip on the sharp lower left corner of the stainless steel wheel opening trim.

Then came the trip to the ER about 35 milesaway.

I could not drive and keep pressure on the sliced finger to keep it from bleeding.
My wife can not drive due to a broken left shoulder.

I called spl440 and he drove 14 miles from his home and took me to the ER.

I can not thank Shawn enough.

View attachment 1714878790

I was told to leave the bandage on for a couple of days.

Once it is off I will post a photo of the damage.

[quote="Dart67";1971160544]Hey Tony,

Just took one.

I was hoping to make it to the swap this year and visit with you.

I had to change my plans due to my wife's broken shoulder. She took a fall and split the ball at the top of her left arm bone in half. Seven screws and a plate later she is not going to rehab 3 times a week. She can not drive yet so it is up to me .

There is always next year.


We will be there Herb. Please take care of that finger my friend. Sounds like mom is having
some bad luck also. Please tell her to take care.

Herb, with the finger looking like that, your part way there for a Frankenstein costume for Halloween. :D
Herb, with the finger looking like that, your part way there for a Frankenstein costume for Halloween. :D

hope the best for u. my 7 stitches were a lot farther apart than that. which was a good thing at $1000 a stitch !
hope the best for u. my 7 stitches were a lot farther apart than that. which was a good thing at $1000 a stitch !

I was bit by a dog to the bone on my finger, and the doc only used 4 stitches, saying that the deep cuts have to heal from the inside out and it's best to leave it a little "open" to heal...

To the OP:

That's alot of stitches... Take care of it...

The last time I had stitches in my finger, the doctor (a different one) told me to keep it as clean and dry as possible. I wore a rubber glove on it to keep it clean and dry when doing chores; ie. shower, dishes, driving...

So later that night, a cop pulls me over accusing me of not stopping completely at a stop sign (I'm pretty sure that I did.), then asked why I had the glove on. I told him that I just got stitches and the doc told me to keep it clean and dry, then offered to show it to him... He declined.... #-o (and let me go with a warning... - in case you wondered how that turned out...)