First wave... Oi...



Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2011
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So yeah, yesterday I was in best buy and caught this smell of something unholy and dead smelling as this guy was standing next to me. Thought it was his breath or something, I get home and catch the scent a couple more times but can't locate it.. thought it might be my lungs smelling nasty cause I recently quit smoking and am on the patch (step 3 almost there yahoo!) then I start getting this itch in the back of my nose... the sensation like you were eating spicy ramen noodles and hork'd a noodle out your nose...

This means one thing, I'm about to get sick. Guess that's what the smell was, I wonder if you can "smell" virus or whatever... you sure as heck can smell bacteria.

Either way it's day 2 and I'm sick, in and out of nyquil comas with trippy dreams following them :D... getting a bit better but still slightly feverish and nose is goopy as heck. Don't you just love how winters come with all sorts of crazy baggage? Cold, Flu, putting on 30 pounds, your wallet/funds mysteriously disappear and you just want to become a bear and hybrinate.
Congrats!! On the quit smoking....getting sick sucks!! Try putting an onion in a jar beside your bed, I read that they are bacteria "absorbers"
Good deal on the non-smoking status......sorry to hear about the illness. Ernie, the wife, well she has had the very same thing you are describing for over a week now...good luck..
Kitty smoked for 30 years. She quit about 14 years ago and has never looked back. When she quit, our doctor said that she would get sick more often for a span of time since she would lose the buildup of tar in her mouth, esophagus and lungs. Over time though, her immune system has gotten stronger. Congrats on your quitting. Now you'll be able to taste food again.
mouth wash, most germs start in the throat.

make sure to get out of the house except when sleeping, it becomes a sick den as you recirculate all crap you're coughin out.

vitamins too, lots of water and blueberry juice and food out the ying yang.
mouth wash, most germs start in the throat.

make sure to get out of the house except when sleeping, it becomes a sick den as you recirculate all crap you're coughin out.

vitamins too, lots of water and blueberry juice and food out the ying yang.
Blueberry juice? The boss just left to go to town will call her and tell her to get some......thanks Justin
Blueberry juice? The boss just left to go to town will call her and tell her to get some......thanks Justin

I know it might sound a lil weirdly specific, it could be blackberry juice or even pomegranate or acai....basically the antioxident found in most berries in general. I find it works better than regular Oj and can way more mellow on a sore throat as well.

anytime, glad I could help.
Change your toothbrush and wash your hands at EVERY opportunity! Justin had good advice up there too about getting out of the house ... if you aren't feeling well enough, make sure you at least change your a/c filter often.

Got a big old industrial-sized bottle of Vitamic C so I'm passing some around for everybody. No arguments! Take your pills. :-D And don't get me sick -- I have too much work to do around here.

Hope you guys feel better soon!!!
Great. You will be happy you quit smoking. I quit 15 months ago. Used chantix (had the wild dreams and loved every one of them). My only problem now is that since my sense of smell has returned there are places I do not go as the stink is so bad it makes me gag!
Congrats on stopping smoking. I have been smoke free for 13 years. I hope you get to feeling better.
Good job on quitting smoking! You will live longer, have lotsa more moolah, and not piss off non smokers around you. Hope that you can see it through.

A gallon of hi-test per pack, whatta deal.
Feels like pneumonia, gonna go to the ER if it gets worse/doesn't improve by Monday.
I quit taking couch syrups like nyquil, every time I did moved into my chest and it hurt to breathe and major garbage to cough up every morning...

tylenol pm to sleep and a sudafed decongestant
Thanks for the advice, I got a pot of water boiling in leiu of actual humidifier and taking expectorants.
I am a bit better now, worst of it's over it seems. Now i just need lots of rest. I'm a tough guy, though i should mention every time i tried to quit smoking i got some sort of respiratory infection or aliment... Although this time I need to quit for sure, girlfriend has a new born and 3 yr old (both adopted) and i cant bear the thought of exposing them to that crap. Kids are always a powerful and very valid reason to quit smoking.
I smoked for 25 years, stop for about 5 years and got back on the habit again, started again last year and said i quit by summer--2010, lol

Hope you keep feeling better, I like soup and warmer temps--help sweet the germs out. I'm not sure if you can smell virus or just unbathed people