Florida jack's drivers over. Tag prices double. What BULL!



Can't re Member
Apr 27, 2009
Reaction score
Tampa Bay, Florida
So I just want to vent. As of tomorrow 9/1 , tag and vehicle registration goes up by 50-60%. If this is not a blatant FU from this state I don't know what is.
Anybody deciding to relocate from other states here because the lack of snow, DON'T.
Plus the e-coli filled beaches are overrated.
About 18 years ago they had this bogus impact fee that they made millions from which was found to be unconstitutional.
Whoever made this call in these hard economic time's is a total bonehead.

Trying to be proactive last night I decide to renew for next year early and save some money. Nope, they screwed me again. Deadline is 11/30 on tag expiration. My birthday is in Dec. :angry7: Luckily the wifes birthday is in Nov. and her vehicle cost the most to tag.

I know it is bad probably everywhere and if I sound like a baby, I am sorry, but this just blows.
Don't you wish you could go up to your boss(if you even have one right now)and say you need to pay me twice as much. How would that work?

I could go on but wont. Please add your opinions on this if you agree or even disagree.

Thank's alot Charlie. :angry7: Hopefully you can stop Progress Energy/TICO from raping us.

Let's all try to have a good day.:cheers:
If they pass "Cap and Trade" (tax, that is), we're ALL gonna get raped.

The tag situation is bull for sure, BUT it had to happen. The big wigs have become so spoiled on the massive windfalls in tax revenues here because of the housing bubble, that they MUST find ways of keeping that level of income in the wake of the bubble's bursting.

Tags are just the beginning. Everything is gonna start going up, and we're all gonna get pinched and pinched, and then squeezed. :angry7::angry7::angry7:
Dang!!! That is one hell of a raise all at one time :angry7:
I would rant on to homecloned 8)
If they pass "Cap and Trade" (tax, that is), we're ALL gonna get raped.

The tag situation is bull for sure, BUT it had to happen. The big wigs have become so spoiled on the massive windfalls in tax revenues here because of the housing bubble, that they MUST find ways of keeping that level of income in the wake of the bubble's bursting.

Tags are just the beginning. Everything is gonna start going up, and we're all gonna get pinched and pinched, and then squeezed. :angry7::angry7::angry7:

It hasn't been raised in 20+ years but who's fault is that? They just picked the worst time to do it.......well maybe when gas was $4.50 a gallon it could have been worse.
This could have been a gradual increase over the last decade when things were good. But like you mentioned, they were getting FAT with the housing market. That's what burns me the most, to make up for other short comings they keep finding was the squeeze the public. Most of us are not making more money, where do they think we will get it?
Wow,i thought Mass. was high..wifes car was $41.00..my duster with special plates is $81.00,i don't feel so bad now...
Dang!!! That is one hell of a raise all at one time :angry7:
I would rant on to homecloned 8)

One step forward two steps back memike. :toothy10: I got hosed buy paypal/fee-bay this week as well. Luckily it wasn't to painfull a loss there. But they are not good people at all.
I hate it when thing's get so big there is no quality control. This is part of the rant. All these big wigs have gotten fat and have not deliverd a better product, only made it cheaper, somewhere else.
So we bail out the auto industry with taxpayers $$$$$$$$. Who is going to BAIL OUT THE TAXPAYER? ........Wait I forgot, that's what that stimulus mumbo jumbo was. :angry7: Which if you are currently unemployed you are screwed out of.

Is it noon yet. :drinkers:
Wow, that's a brutal raise in taxes. That's how I look at plate fees. It's a driving tax. So you get taxed on your paycheck, taxed on the gas you buy, taxed on the insurance, and taxed on the plates. If you try to save, you get taxed on the interest. It's crazy.

Here they do it on a percentage of value basis so I drive beaters on purpose. I had a new Ram1500 Off Roadster and my plate for the first year was 570 bucks IIRC, Ouch!! The plates for the Jeep were 45 bucks.
Does Florida have income tax and state sales tax?
Vehicle tags in Georgia are based upon the vehicles value, newer car is mucho money every year...
North Carolina isn't bad I paid $27 for my Liberty and $40 for the Ram of course being Military means we don't pay the taxes just the tags.
when i bought my diesel in 2007, truck is an 02, was 290 for just one year, that is tags alone.......my chopper, that was valued at 21k when new was 320.....gotta love az......
Pa's not too bad yet, my trucks cost $ 288. year (15,000GVW), my pickup is $ 89., and I think my car is $ 58.
I remember back in 2000 my mother in laws registration in Mississippi was almost $ 500. yrly..
When I lived in Ca we also had to pay a luxury tax for extra vehicles, boats, campers, etc...
New York just is seeing a fee hike, too, today. Don't get how it's calculated, but do know it's getting raised. Called the DMV to help my bro-in-law put his Dak on the road, registered by weight without commercial usage and was told today I'd have to add 52X25% to it. That's 13 bucks, but still no explanation as to how it's calculated. (What's the 52 and why 25 % of it?.) I guess I won't complain about the extra $13 after reading how much others are having to pay, but will rant about idiot politicians who can't balance a damned budget and look at taxpayers as some bottomless piggy bank to make up for the fact that they think debt is a good thing. Even as they sit and chastise American's for personal debt, like credit cards.
New York has also seen fit to apply a special tax on energy bills to make up for the shortfall. It's 2% of our energy usage. Not too bad some may say, it's only $2 on the hundred. But it's projected to bring in $534M the first year. It's a tax the politicians applied without letting the taxpayers know about it until our first energy bills arrived and it's money they didn't earn! Hey, a**holes, if you want the money come to my house and mow my lawn and I'll be glad to pay you for it. Do something to earn it, other than spending us into oblivion!
new hampshire just did the same thing. what i dont get is that they start in july. so jan-july birthdays are ok. i was born in oct. our fees are due in birthmonth. so i get screwed. but others dont? awesome

they just added 30 dollars for EACH vehicle registered on TOP of reg registration fees. i have 1 bikes, the dart, a truck and a trailer. cant use most of em after oct anyway so i'll be holding off registering the bikes, dart and trailer.

i dont like paying taxes but i understand we need em. i just wish they would be held accountable for the revenue spending.
After reading yor responses I guess I should feel lucky it hasn't happened sooner. Some of your rate's are up that high as well or higher.
Man skybolt was that new vehicle registration, or for multiple cars?

It just seems everything happens at the worst times. Our electric provider, Progress Energy is trying to get a 1 Billion dollar.....that's right, BILLION, increase annually. All because they were not proactive and let the power grid get so outdated. All while the CEO's got fatter.

I know a guy who they brought out of retirement, paid him $35 an hour, all because they had extra budget money they had to spend. They even created some bogus project for him to oversee to make it all seem legit.

And they have the gonads to ask us for another billion a year. :bootysha:
Lets see now..Mustang, Dakota R/T, Dart, Dart trailer, 4 motorcycles and 1 motorcycle trailer......crap, I'll be bankrupt on my birthday!
IL is bad, but not as bad as some. Yes, they jacked us up on plate fees a few years back, jumping about 40%, but it wasn't when we were all broke and out of a job. It's $78 for a regular passenger car plate. It goes up from there. It doesn't help that my wife never lets me know when a plate needs to be renewed and we are always over two months late costing another $20! We have seven registered vehicles to pay for every year. If IL tires to jack us more, I'm afraid we need to pair down at least half the cars/trucks.
Politicians around here are crooks, or just ignorant to the real world. They have no souls.
I'd like to see an insurance reform giving people FLEET insurance. I can only drive two of the seven cars at the same time (wife and I) so I should pay based on that fact. I remember when insurance rates would go down as a car got older (and so did I). Now they go up every year and we never have a claim or any tickets!
Lets see now..Mustang, Dakota R/T, Dart, Dart trailer, 4 motorcycles and 1 motorcycle trailer......crap, I'll be bankrupt on my birthday!

Some birthday gift. Im glad the only one's we have to do are my Swinger and the wife's chebby avalanche.

I must count my blessing's. :-D