Fluid Damper Question



New Member
Aug 31, 2008
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:angry7: Has anyone come across a fluid damper for a 340 that is the same height as the OEM damper and does not require a different crank pulley to handle the extra 1/2" offset? I have found that all of the after market fluid dampers I have come across seem to have an extra 1/2" of height versus OE, 3" vs 2.5". Tech support at all of the companies suck and don't know what they are selling. All they can say is "Yah we sell them all the time and no one has a problem". Then you tell them they won't work with a stock pulley setup and can they recommend someone that sells a new crank pulley with a different offset to adjust for the difference and there is always a big pause on the other end of the phone and then they say "I'll get back to you".
When you do hear back, if at all, the answer is "no that won't work and we don't know of a after market pulley vendor that makes one". I called March and they tried to help with a pulley but no help. I need a 3 groove.
are you talking about diameter of the damper or the thickness of the damper?
:angry7: It is the thickness or total height of the damper. Most of the elastomer dampers , OEM or after market, SFI or not, are either 2.5" high or if the damper is thicker have a recess in the front of the damper to allow the use of an OE pulley without having to have a special pulley to compensate for the offset height difference.
Diameters are OK at 7.25".