FNF Paul Walker Dies In Car Accident

I think y'all need to sit down and think of the age of his daughter who is 15. Anyone ever think they got the ages wrong?

not the news,they check all their lies, I mean facts before they print them:banghead:
Plenty of girls now and days will ONLY talk or date older men. You need to relax. No I would not want my daughter to or anyone related but it happens. :eek:ops:

circumstance is a big thing here, and nobody probably knows any of it...

Probably will have to involve something where he leaves the group or gets ironically "killed off" in the movie.

I don't think that would go well in "respect" terms... second he still isn't available...

I think y'all need to sit down and think of the age of his daughter who is 15. Anyone ever think they got the ages wrong?

I don't think so as when (apparently) started dating her at 16 his daughter was 8 or 9.
circumstance is a big thing here, and nobody probably knows any of it...

I don't think that would go well in "respect" terms... second he still isn't available...

I don't think so as when (apparently) started dating her at 16 his daughter was 8 or 9.

Correct about circumstance. And he doesn't need to be available to be killed off in the movie, just need someone in his car without a facial shot driving and then in a big wreck. It's the only way besides running away, which he can't do because he just had the baby.
funny thing is the pics that surfaced about him and his teenage girlfriend, are actually pics of him and his 15 year old daughter Meadow... anything to drum up a story.. I myself like the Fast films, thought Walker was a good actor and perfect in those films... RIP... to him and his friend.. They said the bodies were burned to the point where only dental records can be used... thats no way to check out.. just sad.
I think y'all need to sit down and think of the age of his daughter who is 15. Anyone ever think they got the ages wrong?

I have to agree. It happens where they mess up with the age of someone.
Then the tabloids get a hold and you know what happens then.

RIP to him and the person with him and condolences to their family.

Speed like that in any vehicle doesn't belong on the street. Streets are not design for it.
There are so many factors like people and animals unless the area has been setup and controlled for the event, debris (how often do the streets get cleaned), mechanical failure which on the street or track can be disastrous.
I know some of you will disagree with me and that's ok. I'm not preaching this is just my opinion and I'm not trying start a p__ing contest.

I would again like to express my condolences to the victim's families and friends.
Plenty of girls now and days will ONLY talk or date older men. You need to relax. No I would not want my daughter to or anyone related but it happens. :eek:ops:

Sorry no need to relax here. Someone dies and yes its sad, but they fawn all over him and they have their opinions. I stated mine and stand by it. If it was my daughter at 16, the "fast n furious" would be me laying a whooping on him. At 16 years old?? Cmon......:violent1:

Maybe someone can change this smiley to a more
accurate version>>:burnout:
Sorry no need to relax here. Someone dies and yes its sad, but they fawn all over him and they have their opinions. I stated mine and stand by it. If it was my daughter at 16, the "fast n furious" would be me laying a whooping on him. At 16 years old?? Cmon......:violent1:

If it was your daughter it clearly wouldn't have happened...Like I stated the parents obviously knew about it. Plus now it's being reported that these photos of his "supposed 16 year old gf" is actually him and his 15 year old daughter meadow
funny thing is the pics that surfaced about him and his teenage girlfriend, are actually pics of him and his 15 year old daughter Meadow... anything to drum up a story.. I myself like the Fast films, thought Walker was a good actor and perfect in those films... RIP... to him and his friend.. They said the bodies were burned to the point where only dental records can be used... thats no way to check out.. just sad.

if you go back and look at the last link i posted there is a leg shot...
By the way legal or not as a parent and your daughter is 16, I would do everything in MY power to protect her.

yup...when I first found out our first child was going to be a boy I went out and bought a bunch of hotwheel cars
when I found out our second child was going to be a girl I went out and put in for my CCW
In regards to finishing the movie in his absence, the movie "The Crow" was finished in the 90's after Brandon Lee died tragically onset. With modern computer animation, finishing will not be impossible.

RIP Paul Walker
They were talking about it on the radio for the movie. They said they might just scrap the entire movie and start all over again. They are insured for a couple hundred million. They also said they are too far into the movie to change or "kill off" his character. Looks like we will have to wait till 2015 to see anything close to a movie.
They were talking about it on the radio for the movie. They said they might just scrap the entire movie and start all over again. They are insured for a couple hundred million. They also said they are too far into the movie to change or "kill off" his character. Looks like we will have to wait till 2015 to see anything close to a movie.

not surprising...
yup...when I first found out our first child was going to be a boy I went out and bought a bunch of hotwheel cars
when I found out our second child was going to be a girl I went out and put in for my CCW

LOL, I dont blame ya! A couple I know had 2 girls and desperately wanted a boy....tried again....and had TWIN GIRLS!!:banghead:
By the way legal or not as a parent and your daughter is 16, I would do everything in MY power to protect her.

If you have a son, you have to worry about one swinging dick....

If you have a daughter, you have to worry about them all....