For all you car haulers and other trailer folk!!

There's so much more to it than that, but that's a good demo for loading a trailer.
It won't solve evryone's problems but it does show the dynamics between the truck and the trailer when hauling a load!
Too much tongue weight- trailer tries to steer

Too little tongue weight- trailer tries to steer ...and lift tow vehicle
I remember loading a car up backwards on the car trailer. That did not work well. I wasn't aware that too much tongue weight is a problem until it unloads the front end; then it's a problem.
Just don't drive fast and no problems.I see people driving too fast pulling trailers all the time!
I remember loading a car up backwards on the car trailer. That did not work well. I wasn't aware that too much tongue weight is a problem until it unloads the front end; then it's a problem.
A buddy of mine borrowed my truck to haul home a '78 Bronco that was in a lot up in the mountains. He dragged the Bronco up onto the trailer *** first. When driving home, he encountered a downhill traffic jam and when he hit the brakes, the lightened tongue lifted and he jacknifed the trailer....

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He made up for it though....

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