for the electrical gurus..



Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2008
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ontario,canada many amps does a horn draw?
..thinking of wiring one directly to a push button through an appropriate fuse
I don't know why you want to do that. Horn relays work swell, they save a LOT of HEAVY wiring, and you could still use a relay with a push button

I'd bet money that a typical pair of matched horns draws more than 15A at times, like, maybe, in cold weather.

If I get time later I'll go check this out.
..well my dual hi and lo horns are wired stock and all works as it should.
thinking of hiding a RR " beep beep" horn under the battery tray for a bit of fun.
15-20 amps usually does it, but put a 30 if it tickles ur

Seems like a good way to turn your harness into a fuse to me. Since the original poster doesn't state the amperage draw on his horn the fuse size can only be guessed at. Is it a replacement roadrunner horn or is it a jc whitney made in china knockoff? They will have different amperage draws. I would still run it off of properly fused relay regardless of method of trigger.
Seems like a good way to turn your harness into a fuse to me. Since the original poster doesn't state the amperage draw on his horn the fuse size can only be guessed at. Is it a replacement roadrunner horn or is it a jc whitney made in china knockoff? They will have different amperage draws. I would still run it off of properly fused relay regardless of method of trigger.

Cool, lets assume the worst case
For the electrical gurus excepting Dan… I quess.

Well think what you want about Dan, but he won't steer you wrong. By asking this question very question you are exhibiting a deficiency in automotive DC wiring methods. Wire up the horn anyway you want, it’s your car.

My 2 cents for anyone reading this thread:

Wiring a push button direct between battery and horn will result in a melted push button.

The problem is most push buttons are not rated for much amperage, cannot provide positive tight contact sufficient to keep switch closed without arcing. You have to employ a relay in the circuit to handle the high current draw that a horn requires which can be safely triggered by a push button switch.
While it is true that he (ssd) does have a lot of stuff for sale he will tell you to buy other people's product instead of his own. The high dollar honda taillights are from a dealer not him, ge nighthawks are from amazon not him, clear lens 7" from a harley dealer. I have never seen him directly advertise his own product line. Yes he is abrasive at times, yes he can be easy to disagree with, but he is a knowledgable mopar guy and we need all of those that we can get.

For those that didn't read the link it was a story of a wiring harness fire caused by a faulty horn. The reason that "just put a 30 amp fuse in it" is a bad idea is that a cigarette lighter is a 30 amp. How much heat does a cigarette lighter generate before that 30 amp fuse blows. That much current is enough to melt undersized wires or poor connections.
For the electrical gurus excepting Dan… I quess.

Well think what you want about Dan, but he won't steer you wrong. By asking this question very question you are exhibiting a deficiency in automotive DC wiring methods. Wire up the horn anyway you want, it’s your car.

My 2 cents for anyone reading this thread:

Wiring a push button direct between battery and horn will result in a melted push button.

The problem is most push buttons are not rated for much amperage, cannot provide positive tight contact sufficient to keep switch closed without arcing. You have to employ a relay in the circuit to handle the high current draw that a horn requires which can be safely triggered by a push button switch.

Mmm I don't know if your talkin about just any push button or a aftermarket horn push button you can put on your dash, but I got a horn push butten for my dart & hooked it up just as the paper came with it told me to, but just to one horn, did not even tell me to use a fuse & it ant melted nothing, work grate for past 8 years!