For the rest of you 70s kids,,,remember how we rolled?!



Well-Known Member
Jan 6, 2011
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Red Deer, Alberta
Love this pic,,,,and oh so true,,,several sessions of getting stitches and minus a pair of permanent front teeth. LOL

Great picture!

We lived by the phrases "Don't tell your mom" and "Walk it off"; it was a great time to be a kid. I know I was financially responsible for putting a few orthopedic surgeon's kids through college.
Yep I have a chipped tooth, scars and broken shoulder and collar bone that didn't heal right. And I was considered a sissy.
Best part was when you were racing along, and tried to time both your feet to get them back on the pedals lol.. sort of like having a "standard"

Oh man, can't tell you how much fun we had doing that stuff in the 70s.

Going off jumps with a green machine is harder but it can be done.

How many times did you and your buddies " fake fight" only to end up in an accidental contact which turned into fista cuffs until the last man standing, then after your Moms talk on the phone or at the Tupperware party that night, you went over your buddies house, apologized and were nest friends again.

For us it was "go outside and play, and don't come back till lunchtime, then get the hell out and don't comeback till supper then get the hell out and don't come back until chiller theater comes on tonight."

Anyone who wore a bike helmet would have got their *** beat for being a fag, unless they were bad *** and were training for BMX tournaments and actually were bad *** enough that it was required, then okay.

My next door neighbors uncle owned a fireworks distributorship in Ohio and a month before july 4th he would get an entire hefty steel sack full of whatever he wanted free.

Needless to say he was the most popular kid on the block.

Man, I would love to go back in time and buy up all those classic cars.

I'm also glad we did not have cell phones and lap tops.

If we wanted to use the phone we put a dime in the pay phone or we actually went to our friends house and knocked on their door to see if they could come out to play, but usually we had to wait until they were done doing their chores....ha,ha, chores,,what the hell is that now days.

I miss the days with no area code first phone numbers.
Yeah that doea bring back memories.Broke the same wrist twice in one year .Lost a front tooth and chipped some others.AAhh the good ole days
then after your Moms talk on the phone or at the Tupperware party that night, you went over your buddies house, apologized and were nest friends again.
lol, that's the best thing about being a kid- the way fights were forgotten right afterwards.

Now I'll hold a grudge for life if someone's going 2mph too slow for me

How many times did you and your buddies " fake fight" only to end up in an accidental contact which turned into fista cuffs until the last man standing, then after your Moms talk on the phone or at the Tupperware party that night, you went over your buddies house, apologized and were nest friends again.

9 boys on our street around same age. Played either street hockey, tackle football or fungalow pretty much every day. We would end up in some good fist fights on occasion, but being boys, we never held a grudge.

For us it was "go outside and play, and don't come back till lunchtime, then get the hell out and don't comeback till supper then get the hell out and don't come back until chiller theater comes on tonight."

Home? Sleep & Eat.. oh yeah, and cartoons on Saturday AM.

If we wanted to use the phone we put a dime in the pay phone..

Until we figured out you could tap the on/off hook lever in a sequence of the phone number, and if you were accurate and fast, call for free lol..

They built a shopping center a block away, and at 7-8, we spent all of our time there during the construction phase.

Old abandoned houses that were there prior seemed a mile walk through the field to explore.

Boy those "were" fun times :)

A way to play baseball when you only have 5 or more guys... Funny, I was just telling an old friend the rules on Wednesday. Gotta use a fastball though.

Sounds fun but I don't think I have the stamina anymore,it's sad but I can't even remember when the last time I ran at a full sprint.....Gosh that makes me feel so old
Ha Ha,,,,great stories! It was the good ole days and a great time to grow up when everything was low tech. I tell my boys (13 & 15) about all the fun we had, and you'd never catch us laying around the house,,,ever. They looked at me like I was speaking greek. They have no sense of adventure, a yearning to go out and create their own fun. X-Box & Laptops rule the kids nowadays...sad.
Yup gone all day playing in the woods,be home when the street lights came on.
Recently, I took my mountain bike to a BMX track and rode around it for about 3 hours straight. My handlebars, which started like this -_- now look like /-\ . It feels weird to ride it now. My brother and I have also fought with sticks/swords/bo staffs, rode our bikes off of jumps, hated big wheels because we were to big to ride them at the age where we it was fun. At like 4 I rode around with a friend on a riding lawn mower by ourselves, built a fort out of sticks, rode in the front seat of a 58 Suburban with 400 horses and no seat belts, which is now owned by Gilbert Brown of the GB packers. Crashed my bike about 3 times going down a very steep hill with no helmet or pads. And got followed by a moose riding my bike home once. In 4th grade I chipped a tooth while in gym and there wasn't a huge massive deal, just basically, "Oh geez, you chipped a tooth are you ok? Here's the bit that broke off in a little bag, now go back to gym." Same thing happened to the same tooth happened while at the park going off the diving board and landing wrong. all in the mid 90s to early 00s. We were the last generation that had a decent childhood.
I still have the ten speed Bridgestone Kabuki bike I bought with lawn cutting money I earned when I was fifteen years old. I still get it out once in a great while and ride it; talk about taking you back in time.
yep it was be home when the street lights come on after supper we played every sport you could think of in the street and Berby {baseball like with 2 or more guys and a strike zone box painted on the wall }and basketball in the school yards when we were big enough to leave the block . remember not being allowed to go past the corner ?
i remember leaveing house at7am,home at noonish when hunger struck,then told be home before the steet lights came on, early too late teens geting caught by locale boys in blue with beer,they would take and dump it and send us on long on one is driveing, now it's big investagation. i wold rather be caught by boys in blue than face the old man
yeah they would catch us in the school yard with beer and make us pour it down the sewer , or swimming in the city pools on those hot summer nights they would roll down on us and we would make them wait while wee swam for a while then scatter in all different directions the ones who got caught got driven home to the parents , ouch , how about the fact that the list of adults who were allowed to beat my butt was longer than the list of those that weren't , try that today man if I went home complaining about getting whipped by an adult I got it again for ambarassiung the family by doing whatever I did for them to whip me
Tying a big wheel to a bike with rope = FUN! Full contact football no helmets = a few bruises no major injuries. First car, rope, sled = lots of fun! Does anyone bumper ski anymore?
we called it hooky bobbin , excellent sport, done it with sleds,big wheels,shopping carts, our feet on the ice, ahhh those were the days lol