Found My Son!

No joke, that's why I'm in such a good mood. :D

I'll give you all the Cliff notes version...

I was 17 and she was 24.... Party at a friends house and stuff happens. She was also with more than just me during that time so there was some debate as to who was Brian's father. I hung out for a little bit but was poor as piss at the time and I just didn't know if he was mine or not. Lost touch with them both after about 3-4 years. BTW, tried searching Brian out for the last 2 years with no luck.

Fast forward.... Last year Brian's sister finds me on FB to tell me that Teri, Brian's mom, died. She wouldn't give me any info about Brian so I searched for about 2 months and found him. I've been in contact since and we agreed on a DNA test... He's my boy! :cheers:

He's 29 and we've been talking every day for a week.... I can't wait to see him! He's pretty tough kid, been through the wringer. I'll post a pic when I get his OK.

Good Lord brother :cheers:, I could not imagine the joy and surprised hart
you are dealing with :color:
For goodness sakes keep you feelings in check my friend so you can be
the man you are :rock: at his age I bet this will be a great thing for the two
of you ........... speechless ............. Ok maybe not :drinkers:
Hello to your son Joe :hello2:, Maxi and Merlin will flip when they meet him :thumleft: Yea they know :D
Thanks all, just got his OK on this pic.

I just went threw the thread and seen him Joe :glasses7: Yep he is yours
for sure, Treve seen a few pictures of you back in the day like I have and
if he had a 70'es look with long hair and beard/full/mustache :D

This is so humbling I can't take it :cheers:
No joke, that's why I'm in such a good mood. :D

I'll give you all the Cliff notes version...

I was 17 and she was 24.... Party at a friends house and stuff happens. She was also with more than just me during that time so there was some debate as to who was Brian's father. I hung out for a little bit but was poor as piss at the time and I just didn't know if he was mine or not. Lost touch with them both after about 3-4 years. BTW, tried searching Brian out for the last 2 years with no luck.

Fast forward.... Last year Brian's sister finds me on FB to tell me that Teri, Brian's mom, died. She wouldn't give me any info about Brian so I searched for about 2 months and found him. I've been in contact since and we agreed on a DNA test... He's my boy! :cheers:

He's 29 and we've been talking every day for a week.... I can't wait to see him! He's pretty tough kid, been through the wringer. I'll post a pic when I get his OK.

Wow, that's really really neat! It's hard for me to imagine how it might go at first, but hey, it's all positive if you both want it to be! Dang, talk about "another chapter" in your life! I'm happy for you!
Congrats on being a proud papa! I'm sure your son will enjoy hearing stories of your life experiences, and gain priceless knowledge about his OTHER family! Best wishes to the both of you!
Great news Joe, I hope you guys are able to start bonding and become close, congrats :cheers:
That's awesome, I wish the best for both of you. Hopefully you can make up for lost time and have a long loving relationship.
I'm just blown away... Thanks all and have a blessed day.

...and no, he won't hear about my past... Not too much anyway.
Pretty cool. This day and age you don't hear as much good stuff as we should, everyone wants to remind you what a crappy world this is. Glad you found him and gave the middle finger to the ones that want this world to be so bad.

I hope it's a good meeting and that you guys find something to form a bond over, gotta be hard but will be worth it.

Good luck
Pretty cool. This day and age you don't hear as much good stuff as we should, everyone wants to remind you what a crappy world this is. Glad you found him and gave the middle finger to the ones that want this world to be so bad.

I hope it's a good meeting and that you guys find something to form a bond over, gotta be hard but will be worth it.

Good luck

A very heart-touching thing to hear Joe, Brian couldn't ask for a better parent.
Great news. Take him out in your car and you will probably have an instant bond.
Skyping my Son right now. Pretty cool we can talk face to face this way. :)

I'm working on a way to get him out here for a few days.
Really happy for you! I never had any kids, and I'm sorry that life happened that way for me, but I am very happy that you found you have a son.

I hope you both can develop a relationship and bond at this point in your lives. I'm sure you could be a good influence on him still. Prayers sent for you both!
Glad to hear it. I truly hope this all works out for you guys. :thumleft:

Really happy for you! I never had any kids, and I'm sorry that life happened that way for me, but I am very happy that you found you have a son.

I hope you both can develop a relationship and bond at this point in your lives. I'm sure you could be a good influence on him still. Prayers sent for you both!

Thanks guys! We were at it for almost 3 hours. :) Tough conversation at times and I expected that but it's all good.
Tell him he could have a hot step-mom.

Oops, sorry. Carts and Horses.... ;)
Wow!!!......I mean, Wow!!! Not quite sure what to say at this point, but I hope a relationship can develop that's great for both of you :thumleft:.

I know mine, who will be 29yrs on Sunday, but we're not close unfortunately. His Mom & I divorced when he was about 3yrs. I am a lot closer to the girls from that marriage, the're 32 & 31.

her sisters? :prayer: