Found my stud problim



Mopar Nut
May 22, 2006
Reaction score
Belleville Canada
Well a mopar mechanic buddy came by and the lugs are right but the knurl on the studs dont come through the drum, the holes in the drums are to small. Or the studs are wrong knurl to big So the knurl is hiting the back of the drum.This is why for one, the studs are to short.So new studs are in order.
I went through the same thing (sort of) on my 72 with KH discs.I replaced the factory studs with new Dormans on the new rotors.The hitch was the factory stuff was flat on the hub end and the Dormans were bulbous,not letting the hub fully seat.Luckily I had my old studs,this was discovered while trying to get the front end aligned.Even with an air hammer the Dormans would not seat enough to keep from interfering!

Glad you found the cure without having to pay by the hour!
I bought a proper size drill bit, and drilled my axles to fit the knurl. (I also went to 1/2" and drilled my drums too)