Fred Phelps



Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2009
Reaction score
Cincinnati, OH
has passed away.
As a solider and defender of the constitution, I firmly believe the man was entitled to his thoughts and his beliefs. He had every right to think the way he did. Unfortunately he and his followers had a hard time understanding that their rights stopped where others noses start.
As a human being, so long to bad rubbish. What this man and his followers did to the family's of fallen soldiers was deplorable. He deserves a special place in hell where I hope he's forced to butt rape Hitler.
has passed away.
As a solider and defender of the constitution, I firmly believe the man was entitled to his thoughts and his beliefs. He had every right to think the way he did. Unfortunately he and his followers had a hard time understanding that their rights stopped where others noses start.
As a human being, so long to bad rubbish. What this man and his followers did to the family's of fallen soldiers was deplorable. He deserves a special place in hell where I hope he's forced to butt rape Hitler.

For all of the pain he and his followers inflicted on our fallen soldiers families, I hope there are THOUSANDS of gay people with rainbow flags that protest at this old dirtbags funeral. Sorry bastard...I hope he's right in the middle of hell with the blowers on!
I have heard on the radio, that he is not going to have a funeral...

I wonder why???

It would be poetic justice if he did, and people picketed and protested his funeral, so his family knows the pain that his actions inflicted on others.

Do unto others....
I would bet he is singing a different tune about now,I would not want to in his position before the Almighty and be judged by his own standards....He caused alot of grief for alot of good people and preached hate and discontentment which is totally against whats right....
I firmly believe the man was entitled to his thoughts and his beliefs..

What I do not believe is that his ideas of FORCING his "thoughts and beliefs" onto ME was OK.

I can barely contain my excitement waiting for the God Dammed next in of 'em is this P.O.S. Pat Robertson. Unfortunately, he seems to have a son in the works.
Is it any wonder that he's not having a funeral, the chicken-**** bastard?
But if he did, it'd be one hell of a party!
Is it any wonder that he's not having a funeral, the chicken-**** bastard?
But if he did, it'd be one hell of a party!

They could always throw a party anyway.

Yes, he is a chicken-****...

There was an annoying guy that was a "suite mate" of some of our friends in college. One weekend when he went home, the suite mates got together and threw a "Pat's not here party".... :cheers:

Just because the "guest of honor" isn't here, doesn't mean that you can't throw a party in his name.... :pukerigh:
They could always throw a party anyway.

Yes, he is a chicken-****...

There was an annoying guy that was a "suite mate" of some of our friends in college. One weekend when he went home, the suite mates got together and threw a "Pat's not here party".... :cheers:

Just because the "guest of honor" isn't here, doesn't mean that you can't throw a party in his name.... :pukerigh:
Hey..thats a hell of an idea...Fred's gone on to the hells angels party...
I just heard that Websters is going to update their online dictionary. They are going to place a photo of Phelps in the casket next to "douchebag."
that will be one grave that will hard to keep from being vandalizing. I Can't see the police being to willing to protect it, and any family that does will be away from their protesting.
I just thought of a slightly different perspective on his death...I say don't give the bastard and his rotten followers the notoriety of actually giving a **** of his far-too-late passing. Very much like giving mass murderers all the press saturation and sensationalized infamy...all it does is embolden their followers.

While I share sentiment with the relief of him no longer torturing those people he has, picketing his funeral would almost surely seal his

F-BOMB him...let him rot-without fame.

As a solider and defender of the constitution, I firmly believe the man was entitled to his thoughts and his beliefs. He had every right to think the way he did. Unfortunately he and his followers had a hard time understanding that their rights stopped where others noses start.
While I share sentiment with the relief of him no longer torturing those people he has, picketing his funeral would almost surely seal his

F-BOMB him...let him rot-without fame.

No, it's not that.

Maybe if HIS funeral was picketed when his "family was down", they would see the stupidity of it and stop doing it. :axe:

Do you really think that his "followers" will stop doing it to others if they don't have to deal with the bs of a family member dying and a--holes outside the funeral picketing? :protest:

If they had his funeral near me, I would be out there with a sign with a big "F*ck You" on it.... :finga:

Do unto others....
Just saw this on my FB news feed....


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No, it's not that. Maybe if HIS funeral was picketed when his "family was down", they would see the stupidity of it and stop doing it. :axe: Do you really think that his "followers" will stop doing it to others if they don't have to deal with the bs of a family member dying and a--holes outside the funeral picketing? :protest: If they had his funeral near me, I would be out there with a sign with a big "F*ck You" on it.... :finga: Do unto others....

Of course not-I don't think for one second that his family/followers would stop doing the rotten **** they do...but I also don't believe for one damned minute that they'd stop doing what they do if a thousand people picketed that assholes death...
Of course not-I don't think for one second that his family/followers would stop doing the rotten **** they do...but I also don't believe for one damned minute that they'd stop doing what they do if a thousand people picketed that assholes death...

If they found out what it was like, they may think twice about it. :banghead: :eek:ops:
If they found out what it was like, they may think twice about it. :banghead: :eek:ops:

You're making one helluva leap there, man. You're also using what many of us with at least some fortitude, virtue, ethics, and morality would call logic. Look at what these assclowns have done in the past 10 you actually think their "logic" isn't at least a little askew?

Leopards don't change their spots bro...

I'm not saying some visceral part of my being wouldn't want to retaliate or piss on his grave, but somehow I doubt they'll stop their bullshit simply because he's dead nor if some group demonstrated against him.
I've heard the reason they aren't doing a funeral has nothing to do with the protestors. Instead, he was excommunicated from the church he created and basically died alone in hospice. Supposedly his nutty church threatened the members with excommunication if they visited him.

Which i think is fantastic. Given that i'm an atheist and don't buy into any of that hell nonsense from the getgo, i can think of no better punishment than for someone to start a sick little cult and only to have it turn on him during his most vulnerable time of existence.