Front row !!!



Legandary Member
Legendary Member
Jun 2, 2004
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Yup. Front row for Marilyn Manson at Hammertsein Ballroom last Tuesday night.

Me & da boyz got there early and we weaseled our way through the freak show that Manson attracts. I have some pictures of a few of the gals that were near us:


God.... I love a good rock & roll show! Maybe one of these days I'll grow up.

BTW: I couldn't get a clear shot of the young lady sitting on some guys shoulders topless.... =P~
1 ?.........did you actually hear anything that resembled music? LOL, that man is such a freak show.
M.M. Like the music cant get in to his image but I guess his image is everything Rock and Roll stands for isnt it?
BTW: Does he wear a colored contact or are his eyes doing the Siberian Husky thing (one eye blue, one eye brown) all on their own?
I have always liked Manson's music. There isn't a band out there has that sound.

Hey FASTBACK340 shouldn't you been at home with your slippers on reading the paper? :read2: LOL!
Hey... I'm fearless when it comes to music! It's amazing what a great show Manson puts on. All you have to do is think of the time-line progression: Little Richard..... David Bowie.....Alice Cooper......Marilyn Manson. Same game, just the latest version. And his band is RAZOR sharp! There's not much out there that scares me away.

The only show that made me twitch was when I had to sit through Wu Tang Clan waiting to see Rage Against the Machine last summer....
BTW: Does he wear a colored contact or are his eyes doing the Siberian Husky thing (one eye blue, one eye brown) all on their own?

People in the audience had the colored contact lense thing going on..... VERY un-nerving to look at. And I'm talking a GOOD PORTION of `em! But hey....they were having fun. The last time I saw Manson there was a girl in the audience with a lighted tounge stud. Every time she opened her mouth blue light would come out.

Like I said, I love a good rock & roll show. 8)
John baby , if you keep living this rock and roll life style you are going to end up "eating government cheese and living in a van down by the river" :cheers:
I went to ozzfest in 97 and Manson was supposed to open for them. he was actually banned from the entire state of Pennsylvania that year!! Oh well. I got to see Megadeth and some others instead.
Every time she opened her mouth blue light would come out.

She was having a blue light special! LOL!
Yeah , that does look like fun....... I always like going to rock concerts for the show in the audience...... The show on the stage is only half the fun....Have not been to one in many years, last one was Pink Floyd........Dallas Texas WOW !!!!!!!!!