Front windshield 68 barracuda



Well-Known Member
Mar 19, 2010
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The glass people installed a new windshield on my 68 Barracuda, does it make any sense that the only thing holding the glass to the car is the rubber seal on the out perimeter and nothing else, no sealant or adhesive whatsoever. Is this a safety feature incase during an accident if ones head should hit the windshield, to help minimize injury, the glass will just pop out from the car.
Believe me, if you hit the glass hard enough with your head, the glass will crack before it will ever pop out of that seal.

Most guys put a perimeter of black, sticky adhesive around the perimeter first but that's for added water tight sealing and not necessarily needed.
Also they like to use silicone spray to aid in slipping the glass into the seal.