Frozen Dog Treats



Well-Known Member
May 24, 2009
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Wife made some for the poop shooters, found the recipe on Facebook. Peaches, watermelon, peanut butter and a bit of water. Put it in ice cube trays...
"frozen dog treats"

it has been my experience that once you freeze a dog, it stops eating

My wife makes them for the heeler pup. Some combo of yogurt, a veggie, some fruit, wet dog food all packed into a kong and frozen. She gets one a day at 2:00 and now takes 10 minutes to eat it. Here she is gnawing on a piece of moose she drug out of the woods.

The wife used to buy Dogsters brand 4-pack ice cream treats for our two dogs but recently surfed the web and came across a gazillion sites/recipes to make something similar. Most are plain yogurt based then she added peanut butter and bananas (the combo possibilities are endless) and froze it in 5 oz plastic cups. Dogs are spoiled! And feels good to have made something for them and watch them go rabid eating it up:lol:

We use frozen fruits and vegies. Place strawberries, sliced banana, apple slices, broccoli etc on a baking sheet and stick it in the freezer, once frozen put them in a large Zip Lock baggie and put them in the freezer, that way you can pull them out individually.

As always, check items like this to be sure it's OK for dogs to eat.

My boys especially like strawberries.

The Boys.jpg
My wife makes all of the treats for our dogs. I believe she uses sweet potato, spinach, blueberries and oatmeal, and eggs. She rolls it out in a cookie sheet, about half to three quarters of an inch thick, then bakes. Once cooled, she cuts it into one inch squares and freezes it. Haven't met a dog yet that doesn't like them, we take a small zip lock bag with us to the dog park.
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