Full Afterburner, who needs pistons


demon seed

The Original Demon Seed
Jan 6, 2006
Reaction score
South Alberta, Can.
Ya I know it's Top Gun (I liked the first 4 minutes of the movie) but anyone that doesn't get a shiver up your spine watching the raw unadulterated horsepower spewing out the *** end of these engines must be dead or close to it. My job in another life time included installing Rolls Royce RB211's, among others, and there is no better feeling than hearing one of those bad boys spooling up on the starters and coming to full song and you'd give your crew a big **** eating grin and the "miller time" signal.

Okay so I'm having a flashback, cut me some slack. :toothy10::toothy10:


i was stationed at miramar naval airbase when this was filmed. was in vf-21 and we had tomcats /they even used my bike to make up some posters for the o" club at the base .yes those were some bad birds !when you watch the video take a close look at the exhaust /each time the turkey feathers open up another stage of afterburner kicks in! 5 in total/those are pratt&whitney tf-30 p414a engines

Without question - the best air superiority fighter ever built. This thing had one capability that was never used in actual combat - the Phoenix missile. We did a lot of wind tunnel testing of the F14, the last of which is what was later known as the "Bomb-Cat."
[FONT="Comic Sans MS]Some years ago I had the good fortune of being able to go out on the USS Ranger (aircraft carrier) for a Family Day Cruise out of San Diego. When at sea they launched Tomcats off the side catapult while we were standing on the flight deck. They also did fly-bys while breaking the sound barrier and then dropping live ordnance close by the ship.
I've been involved in the aviation industry for most of my working life and have been to many airshows over the years, but that was the single most AWESOME experience. To be able to be that close during cat launches.
Of coarse, one of the boys disappeared for awhile out exploring the ship. The rest of us go out looking for him and my (then 15 year-old) daughter brings back a Marine.
Totally fun day for the whole family. Something the kids still talk about today.
Thanks guys! I love fighter planes...my favorite fantasy is to become rich and have at least one WW2 fighter plane...

but for now,I do own a copy of Top Gun!lol