FYI - Thief in our midst

man i hate guys like this, makes it hard to trust. Just takes a few bad apples to ruin a good thing! Money is too hard to come buy especially now a days. I hope he gets what he has coming to him!
I hate that bs crap. I've given so much stuff away over the years it's
crazy. Most all of us are into this because we love it and our cars.

This guy needs to be run out of town.

I'm with you on this. He messes with your business, you mess with his.

This is the website for the Rhode Island Attorney General. All that have been ripped off by the guy should contact this agency. If his licenses to operate his wrecker and salvage businesses are threatened, you will get his attention.

If you have his eBay contact info, report him on that site, too. His avenues for stealing need to be identified and closed.

You want to vent? Here is ok. If you want results, contact the people who can get them.

Best wishes to all in getting this guy to settle up. I'm glad that all of my dealings on the internet have not been with people like this one.
I'm telling you guys, a feedback forum would be a great thing to combat this type of BS.

Sorry to hear that you guys are getting screwed. Spread the word far and wide and his scamming days in the Mopar community will end!
He responded FINALLY but it was only after I pmed him the links to 4 mopar sites where I posted the same thread I did here. He was going to take the spindles off when the cast came off?!?! Yea right. Here is his reply although edited as my other reply with this in it unedited apparently didn't get approved.

ok well then you go f... yourself i couldnt get any body to pull them and so i was gonna pull them when i got the cast off but now im just gonna junk them and since you want to be rude about it now you can wait till i get around to sending you your money :bootysha::bootysha::bootysha::bootysha::bootysha: :bootysha::bootysha::bootysha::bootysha::bootysha: :bootysha::bootysha:
You guys are totally right, this is the kind of guy that makes it hard for honest guys to sell parts online. Goes back to the old saying "one bad apple..."
LOL! He's on a dating site? BTW, Google Street View goes right past his posted address :-k sure it wouldn't be too hard finding the place...
Sorry to hear about your difficulties. I had a similar situation with a member, PaDartGuy, aka Alan who worked my son for $300 over a 440 that was supposed to be running. Long story short he hasn’t logged in to FABO since the transaction, all attempts to contact him have failed and LittleSlim has been worked for $300.
It SUCKS to be taken advantage of but my advice would be to move on. I guarantee that you have more to lose than someone like that. So…….you go find him, end up at fist city and the next thing you know you are in court. All for $125!! Scumbags like that bring NOTHING to the table so they have NOTHING to lose in an altercation. Now I understand that right is right and wrong is wrong and I’m not saying that if the right opportunity presented itself that Mr. PaDArtGuy, aka Alan and I won’t have a “talk”, I’m just not actively seeking revenge.
Good Luck, Play it smart and Keep us posted!
:angry7:Sad. I'll never understand how people can justify stealing, unless say it was in wartime and your child was starving. But from somebody on this site? That's low.

When I made a big purchase from a member, I wasn't worried because 1) 99.9% of people here are trustworthy 2) seller provided pictures 3) I looked at the seller's previous postings 4) if he screwed me he would get the public humiliation and wrath of y'all 5) I paid with a US Postal money order.

Personally, I'm not 100% sure I like the idea of a feedback section. I'm just afraid a new guy with '0 feedback' might not get the parts he needs. I dunno, it kinda creates an atmosphere of distrust. We'll be reading 'he said he said' feedback postings instead of talking about our a-bodies.

Maybe I'm a dreamer, but I still trust people. I like FABO the way it is and think we shouldn't go changin it without being sure it's a good idea.
What a prick, go f--k yourself?? disgust No need for that, this guy should be banned. All he needed to do was send an email back saying it would take longer, all could have been solved sooner.
I, for one, am not going to hesitate to do business here. There are too many good people and good deals to be had to let a guy like that ruin it for the rest of us. Let's all start flooding the for sale forum with our parts and get down to doing some REAL buying/selling/trading! You guys are great!

Well kids, I happen to be going to Narragansett, RI over Memorial Day. Warwick is right down the road. Hmmmmmmm.

This situation is irritating, unnecessary and Criminal. But please don't let the actions of one Newbie cast a shroud of suspicion over the rest of us. I am sure that 99% of the new comers Honest and many are, like myself, trying to learn from the expierience of the veteran A-Body builders out there.
Like barefoot through busted glass, so are the days of our lives.
I'm outside looking in so I wont defend anyones position. I can state what I see from here...
The seller never posted "parting out a _____"
When he posted to sell a car the vultures attacked, including myself. When I inquired about the rear end he was willing to put a price on it but not willing to verify the gear ratio. I have to figure if hes not willing to jack it up hes probably in no hurry to start taking it apart either.
I suppose if I reluctantly agreed to start parting one ( not my original intention ), I would wait until I had about 50% of it sold. Even then a broke arm is one huge monkey wrench in the works.
I know money talks. It screams at me sometimes. I've had countless opertunies to sell spindles, K member, etc.. from under a 68 parts donor car I have. So my bills are piled up and the car will be parted eventually anyway, but wait ! If I sell one front spindle off that car I have less that a whole sellable car left here that I cant even roll around. So I resist those temptations to sell any parts for now.
Here's the part I dont quite understand... If the seller hasn't pulled the parts and boxed them and got a shipping quote, why has any money been sent ?
Here is what I expect to happen... the guy isn't gonna pull any parts off that car. He will sell the whole car to someone eventually. Afterwards he may or may not send you your money back. Either way you can never undo this slander.
Honest answers here please... Is anyone suffering in any way because they haven't recieved their parts yet ? Walking to work ? Missing races ? Seen the same parts available elsewhere recently ?
Now I'll repeat that first line,
Like barefoot through busted glass, so are the days of our lives.
That applies to all of us. Good luck to all of us.
The Guys That Got Ripped Off Need To Get Together And Contact The Local Newspapers Where He Is At And Place An Ad In The Wanted Or Personals Stating What Happened And Make Demands For Money Back, See How Quick He Responds When Its On His Own Home Turf Where He Counts On Bussiness To Survive..........when Locals See He Is A Thief Then That Will Affect His Lively Hood.....just The Facts....state In Ad That He Has 10 Days To Make Right Then Charges Will Be Filed In His County/city.....................that Gay Thing Would Be Some Funny Crap....but Then Again He May Be A Closet Pole
personally having been burned for $20k on a muscle car deal a few years ago I say the newcomer got off pretty cheap
Here's another older ad from June 08 on the Massachusetts Mopar site ...


Mopar or No Car!

Posts: 1

8 3/4 housing and axles
Jun 24th, 2008, 10:04pm

b-body housing and axles $200 pick up only in R.I. near tf green airport call 401-863-0436

Seems the more I get to know people, the more I love my cats. Sorry you guys had such a bad experience with this clown. Hopefully something good will come out of it.

Still LMAO @ HemiRam's suggestion though. :-D How about the "Men Seeking Men" section on Craig's List???
id say that NO MONEY should have been collected before parts are pulled. if he didnt have them packed and ready to ship, then he is in the wrong. how is he getting shipping quotes with the parts still on the car???? i personally got scammed for 2k by someone else, and will never forget the lesson he taught me. good luck to those who have been caught up in this.
Personally, I'm not 100% sure I like the idea of a feedback section. I'm just afraid a new guy with '0 feedback' might not get the parts he needs. I dunno, it kinda creates an atmosphere of distrust. We'll be reading 'he said he said' feedback postings instead of talking about our a-bodies.
I disagree that it creates an air of distrust. It has proven effective on two websites I am members of (I mod one of them). There have been no flamefest that I can recall since their implementation. Feedback is almost always positive with the rare occasion of a negative. However, that one negative can save someone else from the same troubles. Even if there is a negative it can still work out for the person receiving the negative. The feedback forum gives both buyer and seller a chance to post what, if any, resolution has been agreed to to fix the situation. BTW, here is one example of the guidelines set for the feedback section on one of the forums...

To make life easier for everyone, please follow these simple guidelines in your negative feedback:

First, keep everything civil. I understand that you are upset about wasting your time and money to be hosed on a deal, but every thread that I've seen that claims that so and so is a thief and a liar, turns into a pissing match. Please try to keep a level-head, and post the facts as you see them.

Second, please post a link to the thread in question. This will help everyone be able to see the ad, and what went on there.

Third, let the other member know that there is negative feedback against him via PM. Sometimes, the other party doesn't even know there's an issue. Other times, this may kick them into motion on fixing the problem.

The above are just requests. The following is not.

Unless you have something pertinent to say, stay out of it. If you got hosed by the person, leave your own feedback. If you had a great experience, leave your own feedback. I will delete posts that are not on point.

If we can all follow these simple rules, we should be able to more quickly weed out those people who are trying to take advantage of us...

Pretty simple and a mod, if necessary, can edit it to remove any BS.

Anyways, here is some useful info for when buying/selling on the net and you can't see the parts and/or seller in person...

I get about 2 or 3 requests a month from people asking me to help them track down someone who has ripped them off on a transaction on eBay, HC, Bassgear, etc. I'm more than happy to help out, but the one thing I have noticed is that a lot of people don't protect themselves as much as they could. Here's a little checklist to go through that I posted over on the Dudepit that can help you guys avoid a lot of grief when doing a deal with someone you don't know.

In the future, I hope everyone here checks out people before they do business with them. A lot of you guys here buy and sell a lot of gear, and if you know the person...great. But if not make sure you get a home phone# a work phone # a cell phone# home address etc. check out the info too. Call the person. If you think they gave you a cell# as a home or work # - check it out here:

It will tell you if it's a land line or a cell and what city it goes to.

Reverse the phone#s and addresses they gave you to see where they go. Argali is really good for this. You can also reverse the address.

Just go to and download their program.

If you think the address is a mail drop you can check that out as well at

If you want to find out who owns the address they give you to send payment to you can also go to

Select the state and county of the address. A lot of them have online databases, but you can call the tax assessor as well and find out who owns that property.

These are just a few of the free online resouces you can use to protect yourself and verify the information the seller gives you is accurate.

Ask for references from other people they have done business with. If I'm shelling out $100 for an effect pedal or $3000 for a bass, I want to know if the person is honest or not,

Make sure the info they give you checks out before you give up any of your hard earned cash. An honest seller won't be offended in the least when you ask them for this info.

Also, using is a good idea on any large purchase.
People in general suck anymore.

HEr is my latest brush with this theory:

I bought a shifter setup , including a (aftermarket) pistol grip shifter handle, on another site....I specifically asked about the chrome on the shifter bezle and the handle (I specifcally asked about the bezzle) and was told "My car is a show car -- the chrome is fine".

Great! I am psyched that I finally got to be first on a good deal!

Then I get the parts and the bezel I asked about is painted black (and not painted well) and the chrome on the handle has some pitting.

I emailed the seller about it and was told "good for a driver"....and that I got a good deal overall.

Well ,excuse me, but I didnt ask if it was good for a said your car was a show car and inferred the chrome was pristine. As for being a good deal, I will be the one who decides that, thanks.

Looking back at the photos the seller had posted, the defects are now very clear....

Well, live and learn I guess. Caveat emptor. Let the buyer beware....

But not sure how some folks sleep at night.