George Carlin died today 6-23-08

Damn it.... He was one of my favorite comedians. I was lucky to have seen him perform a few years ago out here at Westbury, Long Island.

RIP George.... you were loved my millions.
I came home from work one afternoon in the mid '70s and flipped through the radio dial. Whoa! I heard the beginning of "The Seven Words You Can't Say on TV" on WBAI from NYC. I listened to the entire bit. I was stunned that it was being played on the radio. Well, that one episode went all the way to the Supreme Court when the FCC tried to sanction the radio station.

George was a funny guy. "Sounds like a nickname, 'tits meet toots...toots, tits...'"
I'm sure he went out as an orgasm! That was his reverse life philosophy...
wow what a shock... just heard an XM radio interview on Sat.

sucks, he was a good one! He started as a DJ back in the mid 50s.. saw at the ICE house what a guy...
He was funny and controversial.

I don't think he had alot of love for this country though, and seemed to have a great disdain for the founders of this country, and liked to spark racial tensions mostly aimed at evil white people.

I think this country was very good to him, but he, as most comedians, are angry, bitter people who just sit around, get high, and think of things to ***** about because they have no other usable talents to contribute to the world with.
I was shocked when i heard it on the radio this morning! In my opinion he was the greatest comedian of all time!
I loved his books Brain droppings,Napalm and Silly puddy and When will Jesus bring the porkchops?