Those guys build pools and fill them with water jugs! Cambodian I believe and I gotta guess they get some help filling those! The one I saw was them walking to the river with a little pot, filling and dumping it back into the pool, and going back and forth. (Insert SpongeBob "Three days later" voice here) coould you imagine one of those guys on "Naked and afraid"? He would build a sauna and chill in it all week.

<< OH ****, I just watched the whole thing..."TWO DAYS LATER.."! >>>
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SOB .. didn't think I'd watch the whole 16 minutes ........but I had to.. I was tired at the end
I got about 2-3 minutes into it and I was like hell no! And continue to watch the whole damn thing...
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there are hundreds on there now. What are they digging in, sandstone? Takes me an hour to dig up a phone splice, these guys could dig a grave in 30 minutes!
WOW !! Where do I find a guy like that
I'm in the market for an earth home, he could make my furniture and all out of the earth. just add cushions and fixtures. lol
He works fast, I could be in my new home in several weeks.
I can just hear his wife right now....” and just who do you think is going to clean up that mess in the bushes? Sure as heck not me”!
Holy cow that is so cool. Whats amazing to me is how straight squared and level he makes everything. Truly amazing!
You are in the wrong country for that j-par. I have seen the video. It should take you to others. It's just a reminder of what people do when they don't have modern tools available. That's his life and doesn't know any different. No harm in that...
It kind of reminds me of myself a little bit and that's I guess why it appeals to me..
I can't let things go till they're done.. this truck project is supposed to be a 3-4 year project but every grinding moment I'm thinking of the next step and how to make everything perfect... been on the phone calling powder coaters all morning getting prices for getting the frame and axle housings done.. block is in the machine shop, already have my upholstery guy lined up to do the seats, bought a front left fender a new valley plastics for the cab new door panels LOL... I'm going completely nuts that I still can't get the VIN inspection for 3 more weeks so I can take the cab off and take the frame down for powder coating.
This is my three four year project LOL...
Totally off the Wall random video that swept by on my YouTube...
I couldn't stop watching....

Oh yeah, I've been watching them for years, my go to 3am browsing channel.
I am pretty sure that they use like a clay, sandstone, mortar-y dirt stuff to make it not collapse.
I got inspired a few years ago to try this in a wash behind my school and 15 minutes later, the damn thing collapsed on me. Barely 3 feet deep and it just went. I guess you gotta be in the correct region to get the correct dirt mixture. cool as hell though.
It kind of reminds me of myself a little bit and that's I guess why it appeals to me..
I can't let things go till they're done.. this truck project is supposed to be a 3-4 year project but every grinding moment I'm thinking of the next step and how to make everything perfect... been on the phone calling powder coaters all morning getting prices for getting the frame and axle housings done.. block is in the machine shop, already have my upholstery guy lined up to do the seats, bought a front left fender a new valley plastics for the cab new door panels LOL... I'm going completely nuts that I still can't get the VIN inspection for 3 more weeks so I can take the cab off and take the frame down for powder coating.
This is my three four year project LOL...

Sounds like me and my current project. it does not even have a title yet and i am trying to source a 360 for it.
Pretty stunning that the whole thing was done with nothing more than a spud and a dustpan, along with a little bit of help from a long-handled machete. Amazing for sure.
Pretty stunning that the whole thing was done with nothing more than a spud and a dustpan, along with a little bit of help from a long-handled machete. Amazing for sure.

They're not accustomed to eating at McDonald's and getting Stimi checks.... It just shows what a human can do when it wants....
