Getting back to normal after theft?

Sure don't like the sounds of your neighbourhood.

It seems like you are doing all that you reasonably can to protect yourself and your property. You can't be god, and control every little thing. That's where you will start to get overly paranoid.

Good lighting, good signage, your camera, they will all work as deterents. A large dog that barks is one of the best assets, but you may not be in the right situation for one right now.

What I am concerned about, is your lack of insurance. I don't understand why people still live without insurance. It's practically dirt cheap for content insurance, and I'm sure that it would include liability coverage also.

For the price of a cup of coffee a week, you could be fully insured.
Didn't get the plate number on camera, just a good side view of the car.

It's pretty unlikely that we're being confused with someone else, my family has rented this place for around 15 years, my mother lived here up until we moved in.

I think what's drawn attention to us is that we're usually the only people up at night and don't mind calling the cops anytime someone cruises thru slowly.

After the last bunch of theft we (us and a few neighbors) began to notice a Town Car that would cruise thru the neighborhood slowly, one night I saw them out and went out on the porch with the lights off, we called the cops but when the Lincoln came back by they sped off when we saw them, about half an hour later we saw the police chasing them thru our neighborhood, they got away though. Another neighbor saw them messing around someones house and called the cops on them too, once again they got away.

I did some checking around this morning with some people in the know, the guy who owns that Lincoln (I did get the plate # for it) also owns a red Prelude, he's a weed dealer and a known theif that hangs out at two places in the surrounding neighborhood.

Not sure what to do about this though
Leave car unlocked.
Wire interior light of car to very loud horn.
Let dog loose.
Aim high.
There are long term and short term sloutions to some of this. But where is your landlord on any or all of this?

On the short term I would move my valued stuff into secured storage and INSURE it. Renter's insurance is not very expensive, get some. Long term, if you don't get satisfaction from either the police or the landlord, MOVE. This is the only advantage renting has over owning. At any time you can walk away.

Brandishing the shotgun isn't the best way to go either. Don't get me wrong, I own more than one and visit the NRA range pretty often. The worse thing is to come home and find them there with your shotgun. You may be adding to their shopping list once they know you have it.

As to ever having anything stolen, yeah I had Camaro. Word here was had! It was stolen from a commuter lot. When I called the police they put me on hold so long that the battery on my cellphone nearly died. Their response was "are you sure you remember where you parked it?". My response was "yeah, and I'm standing in the spot right now!" The day after the insurance company called and told me it was gone so long they would total it out they found it in Baltimore withsome a$$hole living in it. He had trashed it, sold the wheels and tires for some re-treads. And my insurnace company hosed me for "average book value". I no longer have Nationwide, they were not "on my side".

Not sure if this is the correct saying. "Lord give me the strength to change the things I can, and the wisdom of knowing the things I cannot."

Sorry, I'll get off my soap box now.
Roofing nails in the spot on the side of the road where they stop.
Run out of your house waveing your gun, wearring a pair of Mickey mouse ears and one green sock with a rageing hard on yelling something about Scooby Doo pooping in your toaster. That will freak them out and they will never come back...or they will ask who your dealer is.
I had my storage unit broken into when my 53 Merc was in there. All they took was a pair of Mopar performance pollished aluminum valvecovers. But I put a cash bounty up for anyone that could get the crackheads duct taped to a chair in the woods in Olalla, WA.

I live in Olalla dude. And I think you still got my number in case you need a place to torture those assholes LOL

I had a similar problem, so on the fourth of July I racked off about 10 rounds from my 12 GA so the neighborhood could hear. Haven't had a problem since. But again, I live in Olalla...
OK, here's what you need to do. Get to Cabellas and buy the Barret 50 cal bolt action rifle. Be sure to get the shoulder pad for it. The rounds are about 10 bucks apiece but you won't need many. All you need to do is put one round into the front of the car...the motor. The blast and flash will blind you but the motor and front end coming apart in front of the culprits will kinda shock them. Make sure you hit the motor!! You really don't wan't to try to shoot at night and expect to see anything. The muzzle flash is blinding and you would be at their mercy. Get a good pile of rocks and stone the s...theads. It's not exactly legal but the cops won't mind.
Robbie is right. This is my buddy in Utah, we were shredding a engine block with it. The cheap version is around 5k.

Roofing nails in the spot on the side of the road where they stop.
Run out of your house waveing your gun, wearring a pair of Mickey mouse ears and one green sock with a rageing hard on yelling something about Scooby Doo pooping in your toaster. That will freak them out and they will never come back...or they will ask who your dealer is.

lol, the nails are a good idea, one I've been considering for a while too, along with some trip wires.

I went ahead and got us some good renters insurance today and also added another 500watt light around the back of the house, working on adding a few more.

It's so bright around here anymore it looks like a stadium at night, I half expect to see 1920's baseball players come out of the woods behind out house...if you build it, they will come. Good thing is I can now wash and wax the car 24 hours a day. :D

Yesterday was a low point, I'm a lot better now. I'm not going to let these punks run us off from here, this is a nice neighborhood and not I or anyone else shoud have to deal with the BS. They're going to pay, one way or another if they intend to keep messing with us. I'd much rather spend money on nailing their butts to the wall than having a replacement stereo in the car right now anyhow.