Getting out of cars

We all go through tough times and wonder why we are in the car hobby. I stepped away from it for over 10 years and then had a ''aha'' moment a few years back, just before i found and joined FABO.
It's in your blood forever.
I decided to get back into it again after i split up and divorced my first wife. I made up a realistic plan that would have me driving and enjoying these cars again. The plan was to not be involved as much in car clubs as in the past, and to fix the cars up to my own standards, not everyone else's.
My attitude now is to enjoy the hobby as time and finances allow, and not get too worried about what other people think, there are a lot of dream stealers out there.
My advice to you is to not panic and step away for awhile, keep your car, as well as to not expect as much out of yourself and the car for that matter and just take it one day at a time.
Glad to hear that you are still staying with FABO, it wouldn't be the same without you!
Chin up, money and health will come back and you'll find a way.

X2, but I am still married... hang in there!:rock:
Thanks for all the encouragement, but I jut can't do it any more.
Cliff u mite not be able to do it any more with the work hell some times i cant but i can some times man i will say it one more time .. i will help u with parts and fixing it .. just like u said u would sling tools at me when i start on my barracuda .. thats all ur going to have to do she will come togather slowly remember i just got the parts car home man so dont give up hope man i will help ya agin the floors aint nothing to do a weekend or 2 and i can have them in right .. and the little rust in the 1/4 aint nuthin to do neather the one thing thats going to cost any thing is balljoints and what not bro ... and we have done them one time befor man .. hang in there buddy row .. i mite not have any cash to help ya but i have my hands when i can get a D Driver i can start coming over agin and helping u get my old car back the way she was when i sold her off ... Remember u aint never had a friend like me lol
Cliff you were on eof the first members I met here...i hope the best for you...i hear ya with cash flow..really....the future wife just lost her job after 18 years....and I'm in the middle of the Dustpan....u need me..ill do what i can for ya....
No I am barely making it now financially,until my wife finds a job it's not going to happen.The cut backs has to come somewhere.

smart move. take care of what you have to and if you want down the road you can get back into them. wish i would have gotten away from the damn money pits years ago.
Steve I have no choice right now.

We all have come to this crossroads at one point or another.

The important thing to remember is things change eventually,and hopefully for the better.Myself I think the U.S economy will turn itself around soon. Americans are a strong and innovative people and I have faith.

You never know when things will get better,but they will. Just hang in there Cliff!

Myself I feel a huge breakthrough with M.S is just around the corner. Modern medicine might have me up and running again within a few years! I will go straight back to work when able,that's a given. Not the same as talking about the economy and jobs,but hope springs eternal within me for both!

I want nothing more than for a return to normal,for folks to be at work supporting themselves and thier loved ones once more including myself.

Hang in there Cliff!!!!