Girl's are very mean!

unless she looks like either one of the girls in my avatar
<----- she is probably not worth your time.
Ask her sister out on a date! or if she has a single mom ask her out! joking of course, ignore her and laugh at her obsession with you.
Guys she had her mom yell at me for no reason lol she like called me its quite funny i was laughin the whole time
If you are truly not doing anything at all to instigate this bizarre behavior, then I would involve adults in it. Not her mom, of course. It sounds like that's where she gets it from. Like someone else said, all she needs to do is recruit someone who is more whacked than she is and might take it to the next level.
Although it sounds very immature, I've had a similar situation with a guy (sociopath) that did some pretty childish things to me well into our 40's. I had to get the DA involved and press charges to get him to stop.

Life is way too short to have to worry about someone like this.
well ive been ignoring her quite alot but every now and then i tell ehr to shutup and leave me the eff alone so i dunno shes a woman (no offense) so i can't do anything about it i hope women get easier when im older i want her out of my life but she just won't go she pisses me off even more than my mum has.
well now that sems like a invitation to get your parents involved, atleast let them know everything about whats going on so they are prepared for the time when this gets out of your hands, the reason i say this is a similar situation happened to my circle of friends back in high school over a girl that was whacked for attention bigtime, when it was all over the parents,police,school, were all involved, keep it light and amusing if you can or get your parents up to speed.
alirghty thank you i just her to stop being an attention ***** and to grow up and to leave me aloen it's almsot like she's a stalker
It's tough being young, I'm not so sure I'd want to do it again. Obviously she still likes you or else she wouldn't bother with you. She's having a hard time letting go of you, so she has to push you away as hard as she can.
Talk to an Adult at school,
like the Guidance counsler, or an Assistant Principal.

Girls can be very cruel, and can also say
that people did stuff, when they did not.

Women can be worse, or better, LOL.

Hopefully things will get better for you. :)
its simple shes hurt and still loves you but is too young to understand what love means and give you her true feelings,
the lasy post hit it on the head. let other staff in your schoolknow that she has attemted to have others injure you just to cya if something happens she had her fellings hurt and cant express it in a calmer way just ignire her but pay atention to the antics it could come to bite you latter if your lucky just kidding good luck nail a freind:happy10:
isit bad to say i still like her too? well if she keeps this up i dunno but i really do still like her alot but i dono?sumone help me i know thias aint a love place its for MOPARS but i need help with what to do my dads not good with the gurl talk but ima virgin by choice now adays with just any gurl thats how you get aids! so help me please
isit bad to say i still like her too? well if she keeps this up i dunno but i really do still like her alot but i dono?sumone help me i know thias aint a love place its for MOPARS but i need help with what to do mydads not good with the gurl talk he just says dont get noone prego but i can still do stuff with gurls just cant getem pregnant but ima virginby choice now adays with just any gurl thats how you get aids! so help me please

Good choice man, I'm one as well. I guess a bit more for religious reasons, but that's by choice too. Abstinence 'til marriage is the only way to go for me!
I gotta say, OP, I thought you'd be working on your sentence comprehension and grammar. I can't even take your posts seriously, nevermind the fact that it's like middle school all over again #-o
Suggestion... don't tell her to shut up.

Next time she approaches, say politely so everyone close by can hear it.

"I don't have anything to talk to you about. Please leave me alone."

You don't need to make yourself available for a confrontation. Turn around and leave if necessary. It may suck, but, the chick sounds like an attention *****.

You have the ultimate power to control your emotions. Don't allow her to get any gratification from pushing your buttons. She isn't able to piss you off, only you are able to flip that switch.

Good luck.
This is why girls scare the living sh*t out of me. They are wonderful and at the same time you never know when a nut job is coming along.
Richie, I love your avatar. ha, ha.

That's hilarious!!!! LOL!

I need that in T-shirt form.

I would wear it with pride.