Give Me A Pat On The Back!!



FABO Member #3649
Nov 20, 2006
Reaction score
I went to the grocery store today and picked up a few things I needed. When I went to put my items in my truck a older lady approached me and asked me if I had time to change her flat tire, Of course I said yes. She said the towing company wanted $60 to change it or $40 just to air it back up! She didn't have that much cash on her, she also said I couldn't do it unless she was able to pay me $10 no if, and, or buts! Didn't take long for me to change it, she was tickled pink. She said it was her lucky day that I was there to help, she also said that I helped her regain her faith in humanity! She also asked me if it was ok for her to give me a hug!! I drove all the way home with a big smile on my face! :toothy10:

Thanks for reading my story, and please be a good samaritian!
Kudos to you!! I think we all have to ask for favors at some point or another in our lives and if you expect people to do a favor for you, sometimes you have to put yourself on the line for them. I try to lend a hand anytime someone needs it just for that reason. Never know what something like simply changing a tire could bring some day, but even if it brings nothing more than the feeling that you did the right thing... then most of the time that's enough!! WAY TO GO!!!:cheers:
Nice, Good job. I had a simular story, i stop to help a older lady after a accident, and her tire went flat, long story short a CHP got out and asked if everthing was ok, he then asked if i knew the lady, I said no, just stopped to help and change her tire. He looked at me like i was nuts. lol. then stated not many of you left. It did feel good.
The other day at the hardware store the man ahead of me was buying a small u-bolt and didn`t have enough money. I told the clerk that was helping me to include his purchase on my bill. I thought the guy was going to give birth right there!!! It seems people just are not used to random acts of kindness. The guy shook my hand and thanked me profusely. I told him just pass it along to someone else. It feels good to help out , I wish it would become infectious! Good job there 66340sedan.:cheers:
Great story ,Good for you :cheers:
I always say the only thing that brings any lasting happiness is doing things for others.
Hopefully you've inspired us all to do good things !
You made some "heaven point" today....good job.
Who says we don't get "paid" for doing good deeds? We get paid in "feelgood bucks"! Stash them away and save them for when your feeling down. :) Good job 66340!!

I remember maybe 5 years ago an older woman in the Wal-mart parking lot needed help. I was carrying 2 4 qt. jugs of oil so she probably figured I might be able to help. Her car wouldn't start. She had left the auto trans in drive. Took all of 30 sec. to figure out.
AWESOME job. You know that it made her day and yours.... so there are two people in the world that were happy for a few hours. Thats awesome in todays world we live in that needs to happen alot more often. Kudos to you. Thanks for sharing that with all of us it is worthy to praise yourself for things such as this..... that way others may get the same idea....

I'm a firm believer in Karma. Do good, and you'll be treated good.
You showed everyone a little of that Minnesota nice.
Feels good to help someone out doesn't it!

From one Minnesotan to another way to go!
We can only hope when we get to that point in life when we need that helping hand there will be someone around like you to help us out. Good job!:cheers::cheers::cheers::cheers::
=D>Thanks for taking up the slack.:notworth:
here is a big bat on the back for you.:cheers:
But I bet the big smile on your face felt sooooo good.:thumbrig:
Proud to know you are a man and stands up to all that forgot what it means to give and help and be a man, This ones for you 66340.:drinkers:
I just noticed the time after reading the OE posters post and just want to comment and run off to work;

Good Man! :cheers: