Glass or headliner first?



Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2007
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Currently the glass is all out of my Duster, as is the interior. I've seen the question asked, but no definitive answer from someone who's "been there, done that". This is the one piece ABS headliner. Should I install front & rear glass first or would it be easier to install the headliner and then the glass?

My thoughts were that since the front and rear window gaskets actually hold the headliner up that I needed the glass installed first...
Not sure about a ABS headliner, but the factory ones go in easier with the glass out. The tiny barbs in the roof, hook the material at the front and back. That's on a stock replacement type headliner.
I thought I remember hearing someone say that you almost had to have the glass out to get an ABS headliner in. I would think it would be way easier to thread it in through the front or rear window than to try to get it through the side windows.
stroker - the Duster may have those same barbs, I will have to check that out tomorrow. The ABS is already covered and the barbs may be good to keep the fabric tight.
Map - I would bet the headliner would go in an assembled car much easier through the front or rear glass. Since I am completely disassembled the door window and quarter window together is (I think) wider than the windshield would be, and probably the rear glass too. It's (the headliner) is a handful, I would hate to snake it in through the door and over the seat!
If its a sewn headliner the material wraps to the exterior of the pinchweld at the top of the windshield and the rear glass. It is a pain in the a$$ with the rubbers in place. A backed headliner is held in by the interior trim, domelight and visors.

To install, remove the passenger front seat. Slide rear of headliner through door opening and turning it to the rear at the same time and reinstall interior trim, Done!
I installed an ABS headliner in my Demon. I put it in AFTER the windshield and rear glass. I still had the side quarter windows out so with the door open I had a lot of room to get it into the car.

At the front, I installed the ABS headliner over the windshield gasket, at the rear I sandwiched it in between the rear gasket and roof.

If you need to dril out any holes, (and if I remember correctly, you will need to) use a piece of cardbard to make a template to transfer the location to the headliner and drill from the ABS side.

I used the dome light metal base (pad the sharp edge with a piece of split vaccum hose) and seatbelt bolts (with tappped up washers) to hold the headliner in place while I finished installation. I did this by myself but a helper would make it easier to hold the headliner.

You will need all the attaching pieces from a carboard headliner car. I bought the sail panels that came with the ABS headliner, but if you have the factory 1973 and up full plastic sail panel covers those should work.

Don't forget to install your sound deadener/heat protection in the roof panel first!
Thanks for the advice and pointers. I believe my course of action is to install the headliner then the front & rear glass.
Appreciate everyone's help!