Go Steelers!!

The steelers all the way :-D
and win the big one against the Cardinals:cheers:
Troy # 43 just made a great interception 23 to 14 :cheers:
Did'nt that Popahuwalowie guy, or whatever his name is make 2 interceptions?

I saw the second one he picked off and juked his way in, that was a classic Steelers moment.
Those dude's always seem to come up with the strangest overturns that take you by suprize.
I like the coach too, that dude is a pretty cool customer.

I hope that one dude that got hit hard in the helmet is okay as it looked like his neck took one hell of a jolt, OUCH!!!
Maybe he will get lucky and just have a bad case of whiplash and live to play another day soon.
I hope the whole crowd said a prayer for that guy.