Go-wing differences......



Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2005
Reaction score
Amarillo, TX
I am planning on ordering the 70 style Go-wing and trying to decide on the $199 version or going for the $469 "Concours quality" version. Anyone seen both models?? Anyone bought the $199 version and how did you like the quality, fit and finish??
I would also like to know, I need one for the Duster so here's a bump for you.

B U M P!
Being that I got no reply on this forum, I got an answer on another. I thought I would update this post for future reference if anyone was looking for the same info.

The spacing on the $199 version is not correct. So if you want to use the holes from the factory trunk lid the $469 "concours version" is the only choice.
From the research I have done the $469 First Place Auto wing is painted in the correct black color and "has every part needed".

I am sure that there are other companies have the go-wings, but from what I have read FPA customers are extremely pleased with the product. If anyone else knows a good company that sells these wings please let us know.
When we did the 1973 'Cuda in 2004 we ordered one from Josh's Muscle Car Parts (Logiseller or something like that on eBay). It was only $189.00 shipped and was very nice. We put it on using the reproduction factory brackets, so I would think they should fit in the original holes/brtackets as well...??? For $225.00 shipped it was a steal in my book. Looked awesome on the car.
When we did the 1973 'Cuda in 2004 we ordered one from Josh's Muscle Car Parts (Logiseller or something like that on eBay). It was only $189.00 shipped and was very nice. We put it on using the reproduction factory brackets, so I would think they should fit in the original holes/brtackets as well...??? For $225.00 shipped it was a steal in my book. Looked awesome on the car.
I've ordered several Go_wings from Josh's as well throughout the years. Always been satisfied. The spacing was correct and the brackets were right too. I think the main difference is his come painted a satin black while the "Concourse Correct" versions are organisol.
I've ordered several Go_wings from Josh's as well throughout the years. Always been satisfied. The spacing was correct and the brackets were right too. I think the main difference is his come painted a satin black while the "Concourse Correct" versions are organisol.

Does anyone have a good picture of one of these wings on a car? How close is the "satin black" to the original organisol black?? Also how about the brackets under the trunk, are they close to the original brackets?? I noticed on the website they only show the wing and the pedestals, but no pics of the brackets??
check out jims auto parts in NH. they have the 71 wing for 379.99 with all the right brackets and the have pictures of both the 70 and 71 wings
Which one does this look like? Studs measure 35 1/2", overall length is approx.57 3/4". Theres no name or logo on it anywhere.

Picture 001.jpg

Picture 002.jpg

Picture 003.jpg
Mike yours is a 70 wing just like i have on my Scamp.
Did you repaint the brackets the hold the wing to the uprights?
They will rust fairly quick if you didn't.
The way it is now is the way I bought it. I think those brackets are painted. I took it off because the guy bolted it too far back on the lid. The thing would fall and hit me on the head every time I would open it. I figured if I ever decided to put the tail stripe on I would have to move it anyway.
Can you tell if yours is fiberglass?? What do the brackets under the trunk lid look like?? I also know that the original wing were heavy!! My 71 Demon was a factory rear wing car. I can remember when I had the car painted in the early 90's the bodyshop took the wing off and I took it home for safe keeping. Well I went to pick it up, and it was not near as light as I was expecting.
It seems to feel like fiberglass. This one didnt have any brackets for the underside of the trunk lid, just washers and nuts. What other material are they making these things out of if there not fiberglass?
Even the originals were not fiberglass. I am sure that the new fiberglass models are fine, but a few years ago I saw one at a Mopar show and that thing looked wavy as it could be. The last thing I wanted was to spend $200 and then not even use it cause it was not straight enough. As for the under trunklid brackets. The factroy Mopar set-up had a bracket that bolts to the inside of the trunk and "supports" the weight of the go-wing so it would not distort the trunklid skin. It had been found that without the under lid supports the wing would lean back and fourth during take off's and stops. Which would put to much pressure on the trunklid skin.

FPAP website states..."blade constructed of an ABS based thermoplastic (a proprietary blend) and is molded in gray (as original)"
The way it is now is the way I bought it. I think those brackets are painted. I took it off because the guy bolted it too far back on the lid. The thing would fall and hit me on the head every time I would open it. I figured if I ever decided to put the tail stripe on I would have to move it anyway.

All you have to do is adjust the spring tension for the trunk lid. I had to adjust mine when I put mine on.

It seems to feel like fiberglass. This one didnt have any brackets for the underside of the trunk lid, just washers and nuts. What other material are they making these things out of if there not fiberglass?

That's what I was thinking too. I thought they were fiberglass.
The ones from Josh's MCP are ABS not fibergalss. His eBay name is LOGITECH.

Here are the pictures of the 1973 'Cuda after the wing and stripe install.
Changed the cars look and attitude 100%.

I wrinkled one of the stripes installing it and Josh sold me just the side I needed instead of making me buy the pair again, and only charged me $30.00!




I bought a 70s style go-wing from Dante's Mopar Parts for Aaron's '74 Dart Sport. Since the car did not come with a stock spoiler, it did not have the holes for the brackets and pedestals. Once we got it installed, it looks great; however, we did encounter a few problems along the way.


The first problem was the wrong set of under-deck brackets were sent. I ordered the wing for the '74 Dart Sport, but we got ones for a '70 Dart (like a Swinger's squarish deck lid.) A phone call took care of that problem.



We spent several hours measuring, checking, measuring, checking again, measuring, and re-checking to make the cuts under the deck lid and to drill the holes through the top. The one thing I would STRONGLY recommend is to bite the bullet and spend the extra $30 or so to buy the molded template that locates the cuts for you (usually available from the same source as the wing.)

The wing from Dante's is ABS plastic. It came with a satin finish and what I would consider to be a light texture which I've not been able to determine from anyone with an original go-wing to be accurate or not. The wing has been on the car for about nine months and it has already developed a couple of short hairline cracks on the top surface. The mounting hardware began to rust shortly after installation, and needs to be removed and repainted.

Overall, we are very pleased with the finished product, but the installation is not for the faint of heart novice. If you are lucky to have a deck lid with the holes already there, more than half the battle is over. If not, and you still want to tackle the job, make sure you take your time and make plenty of measurements.

So...hello everyone...this is for "74 Dart"...what measurements did you end up with? I have the wing, all hardware, and the templates are on their way...all I need are the measurements...any help would be great from you or anyone else...thanks!
As I said above, the templates make the job a breeze, just wait on them and you will see what I mean. They are molded to fit the underside of the deck lid with all its convoluted curves. You will locate the cuts to be made through the underside skin to provide the openings for your brackets. Just follow the included directions.

But, don't take things completely for granted. As in any modification, BE SURE to take plenty of measurements before you make ANY cuts.

Good luck,